Green Officeholder Statistics

Definition of a Green Candidate/Officeholders
A summary page of links about the history of Greens holding elected office in the U.S.
Youngest Greens elected
Most Greens on a legislative body
Most total years holding office as a Green
Most consecutive years with one or more Greens on an elected body

Green Officeholders Network

    • Age 18 – Dan Jenkins, Sports Advisory Council, Portland, ME 2001
    • Age 20 – Joshua Steele Kelly, Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate, Waterford, CT 2015
    • Age 20 – Heather Urkuski, Auditor, Centre Township, PA 2001

Most Greens on a legislative body 

5 Board of Supervisor members, Douglas County, WI (pop. 43,000)
(5 of 30 members, 16.7%) 1994-1996

Highest number of total years holding office as a Green

32 years – David Conley, Board of Supervisors, Douglas County, Wisconsin (1986-2018)

By the end of his last term in 2018, David Conley served for 32 years on the Douglas County Board of Supervisors – the longest of any U.S. Green. Conley was first elected in April 1986, and was been elected to 16 consecutive two-year terms overall.

Most consecutive years with at least one Green on a legislative body

32 years – Douglas County, Wisconsin had at least one Green on the Board of Supervisors there between April 1986 and April 2018.

Green Officeholders Network
