This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.
Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed.
At least 160 Greens hold elected office as of the November 2024 elections — Greens have been elected at least 1582 times in history in the United States — and over 6900 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office. (Updated December 16, 2024)
2008 Stats
- 307 Races in 2008
- 34 States in 2008
- 58 Victories in 2008
307 Races in 2008
Election Date | State | Candidate | Office |
12/06/2008 | LA | Malik Rahim | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | AR | Brian Barnett | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | AR | Mary Boley | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | AR | Richard Carroll | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | AR | Wainnette Copass | Justice of the Peace |
11/04/2008 | AR | Wendy Crow | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | AR | Joshua Drake | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | AR | Conrad Harvin | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | AR | Rebekah Kennedy | U.S. Senate |
11/04/2008 | AR | Gene Mason | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | AR | Elizabeth McCoy | County Recorder of Deeds |
11/04/2008 | AR | Deb McFarland | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | AR | Glen Schwarz | City Board of Directors |
11/04/2008 | AR | Richard Suits | Justice of the Peace |
11/04/2008 | AR | Bernard Sulliban | City Council |
11/04/2008 | AR | Abel Tomlinson | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | AZ | Celeste Castorena | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | AZ | William Crum | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | AZ | Rebecca DeWitt | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | AZ | Claudia Ellquist | County Attorney |
11/04/2008 | AZ | Kent Solberg | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | CA | Jon (Stevens) Mann | City Council |
11/04/2008 | CA | Chuck Anderson | Fire District |
11/04/2008 | CA | Richard Boyle | Community College District |
11/04/2008 | CA | Carol Brouillet | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | CA | Bruce Delgado | Mayor |
11/04/2008 | CA | Robert Deutsch | Healthcare District |
11/04/2008 | CA | Pamela Elizondo | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | CA | Dave Heller | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | CA | Barry Hermanson | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | CA | John Hillstrom | Public Utility District |
11/04/2008 | CA | Kahlil Jacobs-Fantauzzi | Mayor |
11/04/2008 | CA | Thomas Lash | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | CA | Jack Lindblad | State Assembly |
11/04/2008 | CA | Holly Madrigal | City Council |
11/04/2008 | CA | Randy Marx | Water District Board of Directors |
11/04/2008 | CA | Ross Mirkarimi | County Board of Supervisors |
11/04/2008 | CA | Peter Myers | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | CA | Robert (Bob) Nanninga | City Council |
11/04/2008 | CA | Ivan Olsen | Mayor |
11/04/2008 | CA | Linda Piera-Avila | City Council |
11/04/2008 | CA | Phil Rockey | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | CA | Mark Sanchez | County Board of Supervisors |
11/04/2008 | CA | John Selawsky | School Board |
11/04/2008 | CA | William Smallman | Water District Board of Directors |
11/04/2008 | CA | Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap | Water Board |
11/04/2008 | CA | Jesse Townley | Rent Stabilization Board |
11/04/2008 | CA | Bruce Wolfe | College Board of Trustees |
11/04/2008 | CA | Carol Wolman | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | CA | Jane Jarlsberg | City Council |
11/04/2008 | CA | Mike Perez | Board of Education |
11/04/2008 | CO | Joe Calhoun | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | CO | Tony D’Lallo | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | CO | Art Goodtimes | County Board of Commissioners |
11/04/2008 | CO | Bob Kinsey | U.S. Senate |
11/04/2008 | CO | Jerry Lacy | County Commission |
11/04/2008 | CO | Scott Zulauf | County Commission |
11/04/2008 | CT | David Bedell | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | CT | David Bedell | State Senate |
11/04/2008 | CT | David Bedell | Registrar of Voters |
11/04/2008 | CT | Colin Bennett | State Senate |
11/04/2008 | CT | Keith Brooks | Registrar of Voters |
11/04/2008 | CT | Harold Burbank | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | CT | Zachary Chaves | State Senate |
11/04/2008 | CT | Remy Chevalier | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | CT | Mike DeRosa | State Senate |
11/04/2008 | CT | G. Scott Deshefy | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | CT | Richard Duffee | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | CT | Richard Duffee | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | CT | Mary Farrell | Board of Education |
11/04/2008 | CT | Ralph Ferrucci | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | CT | Stephen Fournier | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | CT | Kenric Hanson | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | CT | Charlie Pillsbury | Registrar of Voters |
11/04/2008 | CT | German Tedesco | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | CT | Brent Yarnell | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | DC | Philip Blair, Jr. | Advisory Neighborhood Commission |
11/04/2008 | DC | David Bosserman | Advisory Neighborhood Commission |
11/04/2008 | DC | Maude Louise Hills | Delegate to U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | DC | Jerry Mack | Advisory Neighborhood Commission |
11/04/2008 | DC | Chris Otten | Advisory Neighborhood Commission |
11/04/2008 | DC | Joyce Robinson-Paul | Advisory Neighborhood Commission |
11/04/2008 | DC | Joyce Robinson-Paul | United States Representative |
11/04/2008 | DC | David Schwartzman | City Council |
11/04/2008 | DC | Nancy Shia | Advisory Neighborhood Commission |
11/04/2008 | DC | Carolyn Steptoe | Advisory Neighborhood Commission |
11/04/2008 | DC | Rick Tingling-Clemmons | Advisory Neighborhood Commission |
11/04/2008 | DC | Keith Ware | U.S. Senate |
11/04/2008 | DC | Bryan Weaver | Advisory Neighborhood Commission |
11/04/2008 | FL | Ellen Brodsky | County Board of Elections |
11/04/2008 | FL | Cara Jennings | City Commission |
11/04/2008 | IA | Wendy Barth | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IA | Chris Moeller | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Jack Ailey | Water Reclamation District |
11/04/2008 | IL | Steve Alesch | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Paloma Andrade | County Circuit Clerk |
11/04/2008 | IL | Alan Augustson | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | John Basco | State Senate |
11/04/2008 | IL | John Beacham | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Heather Benno | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Rita Bogolub | Water Reclamation District |
11/04/2008 | IL | Nadine Bopp | Water Reclamation District |
11/04/2008 | IL | Antonne Cox | County Board of Review |
11/04/2008 | IL | Don Crawford | County Board |
11/04/2008 | IL | Kathleen Cummings | U.S. Senate |
11/04/2008 | IL | Troy Dennis | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Tom Durkin | State Senate |
11/04/2008 | IL | James Dusing | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Bill Edgar | County Board |
11/04/2008 | IL | Adrian Frost | County Board |
11/04/2008 | IL | Joe Futrelle | County Board |
11/04/2008 | IL | Terrence Gilhooly | County Recorder of Deeds |
11/04/2008 | IL | Charles Howe | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Rodger Jennings | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Dan Kairis | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Howard Kaplan | County Board of Review |
11/04/2008 | IL | Jeremy Karpen | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Vince LaMie | County Board |
11/04/2008 | IL | Scott Lawson | County Board |
11/04/2008 | IL | Mike Lehlan | County Board |
11/04/2008 | IL | Sandy Lezon | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Omar Lopez | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Rita Maniotis | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Ante Marijan | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Chris Meredith | County Board |
11/04/2008 | IL | Thomas O’Brien | States Attorney |
11/04/2008 | IL | Kevin O’Connor | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Walter Pituc | County Board |
11/04/2008 | IL | Jerome Pohlen | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Tim Quirk | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Todd Reardon | States Attorney |
11/04/2008 | IL | Norman Rose | Sheriff |
11/04/2008 | IL | Sheldon Schafer | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Gerard Schlitt | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Julie Schlitt | County Board |
11/04/2008 | IL | Morris Shanfield | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Rob Sherman | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Doug Silberhorn | County Board |
11/04/2008 | IL | Michael Snow | County Coroner |
11/04/2008 | IL | Alicia Snyder | County Board |
11/04/2008 | IL | Dale Strough | States Attorney |
11/04/2008 | IL | Scott Summers | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Jason Wallace | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Frank Wedig | County Board |
11/04/2008 | IL | Dane Willman | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Jennifer Witt | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | IL | Gerry Woods | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MA | Steven Baer | State Senate |
11/04/2008 | MA | George Bryant | County Assembly |
11/04/2008 | MA | Vladimir Morales | Select Board |
11/04/2008 | MD | Gordon Clark | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | ME | Sandy Amborn | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | ME | Jason Bergquist | State Senate |
11/04/2008 | ME | Alan Brown | County Treasurer |
11/04/2008 | ME | John Eder | Charter Commission |
11/04/2008 | ME | David Frans | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | ME | Michael Hiltz | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | ME | Daniel Jenkins | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | ME | William Linnell | State Senate |
11/04/2008 | ME | Benjamin Meiklejohn | Water District Board of Trustees |
11/04/2008 | ME | Benjamin Meiklejohn | Charter Commission |
11/04/2008 | ME | Joshua Miller | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | ME | Tina Smith | City Council |
11/04/2008 | ME | Anna Trevorrow | Board of Education |
11/04/2008 | ME | Michael Wakefield | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | ME | Lisa Hazel Willey | State Senate |
11/04/2008 | MI | Matthew Abel | County Prosecutor |
11/04/2008 | MI | Korine Elizabeth Bachleda | Township Clerk |
11/04/2008 | MI | Shelly Bane | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MI | Jody Beaubien | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MI | Ellis Boal | University Board of Regents |
11/04/2008 | MI | Douglas Campbell | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MI | Candace Caveny | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MI | George Corsetti | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MI | Matt Erard | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MI | Dianne Feeley | County Commission |
11/04/2008 | MI | Derek Grigsby | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MI | Margaret Guttshall | University Board of Governors |
11/04/2008 | MI | Franklin Harden | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MI | Richard Kuszmar | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MI | John Anthony La Pietra | County Clerk / Register |
11/04/2008 | MI | Tom Mair | County Board of Commissioners |
11/04/2008 | MI | Ken Mathenia | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MI | Lynn Meadows | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MI | Harley Mikkelson | U.S. Senate |
11/04/2008 | MI | Louis Novak | County Commission |
11/04/2008 | MI | William Opalicky | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MI | Edward Pinkney | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MI | Dwain Reynolds III | State Board of Education |
11/04/2008 | MI | Clyde K. Shabazz | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MI | Erik Shelley | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MI | Aimee Smith | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MI | Therese Marie Storm | University Board of Trustees |
11/04/2008 | MI | Aaron Stuttman | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MI | Jean Marie Treacy | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MI | Fred Vitale | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MI | John Walker | Township Supervisor |
11/04/2008 | MI | Stephen Weed | County Board of Commissioners |
11/04/2008 | MN | Farheen Hakeem | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MN | Allan Hancock | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MN | Richard Klatte | Soil and Water Conservation District |
11/04/2008 | MN | Colin Lee | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MN | Katy Wortel | County Commissioner |
11/04/2008 | MO | Midge Potts | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | MS | John Wages | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | NE | Derek Glaser | County Commission |
11/04/2008 | NE | Scott Hoffman | County Commissioner |
11/04/2008 | NE | Susan Koneck | County Commission |
11/04/2008 | NE | Steve Larrick | U.S. Senate |
11/04/2008 | NE | Doug Paterson | Public Service Commission |
11/04/2008 | NE | LaVerne Thraen, Jr. | Public Power District |
11/04/2008 | NJ | Patricia Alessandrini | Freeholder |
11/04/2008 | NJ | Ed Fanning | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | NJ | Jason Grover | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | NJ | Alvin Meyer | Freeholder |
11/04/2008 | NJ | Matthew Thieke | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | NJ | Steven Welzer | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | NM | Rick Lass | Public Regulation Commissioner |
11/04/2008 | NV | Craig Bergland | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | NV | Bob Giaquinta | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | NY | Howie Hawkins | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | NY | Brittany Turner | Village Board of Trustees |
11/04/2008 | OH | Tim Kettler | State Senate |
11/04/2008 | OH | Dennis Spisak | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | OR | Michael Beilstein | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | OR | Michael Beilstein | City Council |
11/04/2008 | OR | Walt Brown | Attorney General |
11/04/2008 | OR | Chris Extine | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | OR | Neil Friedman | Mayor |
11/04/2008 | OR | Chris Henry | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | OR | Michael Meo | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | OR | Tristin Mock | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | OR | James Nicita | City Commission |
11/04/2008 | OR | Alex Polikoff | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | OR | Seth Woolley | Secretary of State |
11/04/2008 | PA | Guy Gray | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | PA | Liz Hughes | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | PA | Jonah McAllister-Erickson | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | PA | Titus North | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | PA | Jay Sweeney | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | SC | Eugene Platt | Public Service District |
11/04/2008 | SC | Bryan Smith | County Council |
11/04/2008 | SC | C. Faye Walters | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | TN | Christina (Chris) Lugo | U.S. Senate |
11/04/2008 | TN | John Miglietta | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | VA | John Reeder | County Board |
11/04/2008 | WA | Dan Asher | Community Council |
11/04/2008 | WA | Howard Pellet | State House of Representatives |
11/04/2008 | WV | Klaus Heitmann | County Council |
11/04/2008 | WV | Jesse Johnson | Governor |
11/04/2008 | WV | Robin Mills | State House of Delegates |
11/04/2008 | WV | Andy Waddell | State Senate |
11/04/2008 | WV | John Welbourn | State House of Delegates |
09/20/2008 | HI | Bob Jacobson | County Board |
09/09/2008 | MN | Audrey Thayer | County Commissioner |
08/19/2008 | WA | Duff Badgley | Governor |
08/19/2008 | WA | Gary Murrell | U.S. House of Representatives |
08/19/2008 | WA | Christopher Winter | State House of Representatives |
06/21/2008 | CA | Jennifer Gill | Neighborhood Council |
06/21/2008 | CA | Christopher McKinnon | Neighborhood Council |
06/12/2008 | CA | Bridgett Gonzalez | Neighborhood Council |
06/12/2008 | CA | John Stinson | Neighborhood Council |
06/03/2008 | CA | Paul Pitino | County Board of Supervisors |
06/03/2008 | CA | Joey Racano | City Council |
06/03/2008 | CA | Tennessee Reed | School Board |
06/03/2008 | CA | Robert Roy | City Council |
05/13/2008 | NE | Tom Foster | County Commission |
05/12/2008 | MA | David Spanagel | Town Moderator |
05/12/2008 | ME | Antonio Blasi | Board of Selectmen |
05/06/2008 | VA | Sheri Bailey | School Board |
05/06/2008 | VA | Don Langrehr | Town Council |
04/22/2008 | MS | John Wages | U.S. House of Representatives |
04/17/2008 | AK | Della Coburn | Tribal Council |
04/15/2008 | NJ | Gary Novosielski | Board of Education |
04/13/2008 | CA | Harold Bock | Neighborhood Council |
04/08/2008 | CA | Barry Hermanson | U.S. House of Representatives |
04/08/2008 | CO | Pete Gleichman | Mayor |
04/01/2008 | CO | Jeffrey Bergeron | Town Council |
04/01/2008 | MA | Robert Crowner | Town Meeting Member |
04/01/2008 | MA | Frank Gatti | Town Meeting Member |
04/01/2008 | MA | Eleanor Manire-Gatti | Town Meeting Member |
04/01/2008 | MA | Vincent O’Connor | Town Meeting Member |
04/01/2008 | WI | Robert Browne | County Board of Supervisors |
04/01/2008 | WI | David Conley | County Board of Supervisors |
04/01/2008 | WI | Greg David | County Board of Supervisors |
04/01/2008 | WI | Bob Gifford | County Board of Supervisors |
04/01/2008 | WI | John Hardin | County Board of Supervisors |
04/01/2008 | WI | John Hendrick | County Board of Supervisors |
04/01/2008 | WI | Kathryn Kienholz | County Board of Supervisors |
04/01/2008 | WI | Wyndham Manning | Board of Supervisors |
04/01/2008 | WI | Jeff Peterson | County Board of Supervisors |
04/01/2008 | WI | John Rendall | County Board of Supervisors |
04/01/2008 | WI | Kyle Richlond | County Board of Supervisors |
04/01/2008 | WI | Robert Ryan | County Board of Supervisors |
04/01/2008 | WI | Michael Slattery | County Board of Supervisors |
04/01/2008 | WI | Barbara Vedder | County Board of Supervisors |
03/18/2008 | NY | David Doonan | Mayor |
03/18/2008 | NY | Roger Sherman | Village Board of Trustees |
03/08/2008 | ME | Jane Meisenbach | School Board |
03/04/2008 | NM | Andrew Feldman | City Council |
03/04/2008 | VT | Maria Calderon | City Council |
03/04/2008 | VT | Jim Glade | City Council |
03/04/2008 | VT | Kim Mason | City Council |
03/04/2008 | VT | LisaAnn Oberbrunner | City Council |
03/03/2008 | MA | Adam Sacks | Town Meeting Member |
03/03/2008 | MA | Jill Stein | Town Meeting Member |
02/19/2008 | WI | Michael LaForest | Common Council |