This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.
Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed.
At least 160 Greens hold elected office as of the November 2024 elections — Greens have been elected at least 1576 times in history in the United States — and over 6800 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office. (Updated November 27, 2024)
1994 Stats
- 90 Races in 1994
- 14 States in 1994
- 22 Victories in 1994
90 Races in 1994
Election Date | State | Candidate | Office |
11/08/1994 | AK | Michael A. Lewis | Lieutenant Governor |
11/08/1994 | AK | Jonni Whitmore | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/1994 | AK | Jim Sykes | Governor |
11/08/1994 | AK | Louie Jr. March | State House of Representatives |
11/08/1994 | AK | Richard Olson | State House of Representatives |
11/08/1994 | AK | Paul Bratton | State House of Representatives |
11/08/1994 | AR | Stephen Miller | City Council |
11/08/1994 | CA | Timothy Moore | Water Board |
11/08/1994 | CA | Alan Drusys | City Council |
11/08/1994 | CA | Raven Earlygrow | City Council |
11/08/1994 | CA | Walt Sheasby | State Senate |
11/08/1994 | CA | Tim Fitzgerald | State Assembly |
11/08/1994 | CA | Suza Francina | City Council |
11/08/1994 | CA | Dona Spring | City Council |
11/08/1994 | CA | Margaret Garcia | Secretary of State |
11/08/1994 | CA | Robert Marston | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/1994 | CA | Tian Harter | City Council |
11/08/1994 | CA | Michael Dean Hitchcock | City Council |
11/08/1994 | CA | Sharon Hushka | Board of Education |
11/08/1994 | CA | Jason Kirkpatrick | City Council |
11/08/1994 | CA | Tom Stafford | State Assembly |
11/08/1994 | CA | Jane Kramer | Community College District |
11/08/1994 | CA | Kip Krueger | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/1994 | CA | William Bretz | Planning Group |
11/08/1994 | CA | Glenn Bailey | Resource Conservation District |
11/08/1994 | CA | Steve Saint | Water Board |
11/08/1994 | CA | Celesta Owen | Water Board of Health |
11/08/1994 | CA | Leo Bennett-Cauchon | School Board |
11/08/1994 | CA | Rick Bernardi | Resource Conservation District |
11/08/1994 | CA | Barbara Blong | U.S. Senate |
11/08/1994 | CA | Jon (Stevens) Mann | City Council |
11/08/1994 | CA | Danny Moses | Lieutenant Governor |
11/08/1994 | CA | Barbara Carr | Board of Education |
11/08/1994 | CA | Steven Schmidt (CA) | City Council |
11/08/1994 | CA | Hank Chapot | State Assembly |
11/08/1994 | CA | Susan Wolfe-Fleming | Board of Education |
11/08/1994 | CA | E. Craig Coffin | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/1994 | CA | Tim Willis | School Board |
11/08/1994 | CA | Todd Cooper | Resource Conservation District |
11/08/1994 | CA | Charles Wilken | State Assembly |
11/08/1994 | CO | Phil Hufford | Governor |
11/08/1994 | CO | Krista Paradise | Lieutenant Governor |
11/08/1994 | DC | Jodean Marks | Mayor |
11/08/1994 | HI | Jason Schwartz | County Council |
11/08/1994 | HI | Bruce MacPherson | State House of Representatives |
11/08/1994 | HI | Nick Nikhilananda | County Council |
11/08/1994 | HI | Jack Morse | Lieutenant Governor |
11/08/1994 | HI | Meiling Akuna | County Council |
11/08/1994 | HI | Karen Archibald | State House of Representatives |
11/08/1994 | HI | Victor Bailey | County Council |
11/08/1994 | HI | Toni Worst | State House of Representatives |
11/08/1994 | HI | Keiko Bonk | County Council |
11/08/1994 | HI | Christopher Walker | State House of Representatives |
11/08/1994 | HI | Kioni Dudley | Governor |
11/08/1994 | ME | Greg Gerritt | State House of Representatives |
11/08/1994 | ME | Jonathan Carter | Governor |
11/08/1994 | ME | Thomas O. Foote | State House of Representatives |
11/08/1994 | ME | Charles Fitzgerald | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/1994 | NM | Roberto Mondragon | Governor |
11/08/1994 | NM | Robert Anderson | State House of Representatives |
11/08/1994 | NM | Don Brayfield | County Assessor |
11/08/1994 | NM | Patricia Wolff | Commissioner of Public Lands |
11/08/1994 | NM | Steven Schmidt (NM) | Lieutenant Governor |
11/08/1994 | NM | Lorenzo Garcia | State Treasurer |
11/08/1994 | NM | David Hampton | State House of Representatives |
11/08/1994 | NM | Rex Johnson | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/1994 | NM | Mary Lou Jones | State House of Representatives |
11/08/1994 | NY | Tom Leighton | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/1994 | PA | Thomas Alan Linzey | Governor |
11/08/1994 | RI | Anna Cardillo Martin | State Senate |
11/08/1994 | WI | Jeff Peterson | State Assembly |
06/07/1994 | CA | John Selawsky | Governor |
06/07/1994 | CA | James Ogle | Governor |
06/07/1994 | CA | Kent Smith | U.S. Senate |
06/07/1994 | CA | John Lewellen | Governor |
04/12/1994 | CA | Bruce Mast | City Council |
04/05/1994 | AZ | Alva D’Orgeix | Town Council |
04/05/1994 | MO | Matt Harline | City Council |
04/05/1994 | MO | Terri Williams | Mayor |
04/05/1994 | MO | Jeff Barrow | County Commission |
04/05/1994 | WI | Kathryn McKenzie | County Board of Supervisors |
04/05/1994 | WI | Frank Koehn | County Board of Supervisors |
04/05/1994 | WI | David Conley | County Board of Supervisors |
04/05/1994 | WI | Bruce T. Ciskie | County Board of Supervisors |
04/05/1994 | WI | Robert Browne | County Board of Supervisors |
04/05/1994 | WI | William Anderson | County Board of Supervisors |
03/01/1994 | CA | Brian McCall | Planning Group |
03/01/1994 | CA | Bonnie Gengron | Planning Group |
03/01/1994 | NM | Cris Moore | City Council |
03/01/1994 | NM | Fran Gallegos | Municipal Judge |