This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.
Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed. (Updated November 4, 2024)
At least 159 Greens hold elected office as of July 1, 2024 — Greens have been elected at least 1551 times in history in the United States — and over 6800 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office.
2000 Stats
- 280 Races in 2000
- 35 States in 2000
- 47 Victories in 2000
280 Races in 2000
Election Date | State | Candidate | Office |
12/12/2000 | CA | Matt Gonzalez | Board of Supervisors |
11/28/2000 | AR | Randy Zurcher | City Council |
11/07/2000 | AK | William Bartee | State Senate |
11/07/2000 | AK | Fryderyk (Fred) Frontier | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | AK | Greg Garcia | State Senate |
11/07/2000 | AK | R.D. Levno | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | AK | Jed Whittaker | State Senate |
11/07/2000 | AK | Anna Young | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | AR | Paul Kelly | City Board of Directors |
11/07/2000 | AR | Dee White | City Board of Directors |
11/07/2000 | AS | Tisa (Barefoot) Faamuli | Governor |
11/07/2000 | AZ | Katie Bolger | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | AZ | Susan Campbell | County Superintendent of Schools |
11/07/2000 | AZ | William Crosby | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | AZ | Dave Croteau | County Sheriff |
11/07/2000 | AZ | Michael Jay Green | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | AZ | Vance Hansen | U.S. Senate |
11/07/2000 | AZ | Peter Hormel | County Attorney |
11/07/2000 | AZ | Eli Manders | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | AZ | Bill Moeller | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | AZ | Daniel Patterson | State Senate |
11/07/2000 | AZ | John Scudder | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | AZ | Jack Strasburg | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | AZ | William Zaffer | County Assessor |
11/07/2000 | CA | Jon (Stevens) Mann | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Ken Adams | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | CA | Sara Amir | State Assembly |
11/07/2000 | CA | Jay Baggi | County Board of Supervisors |
11/07/2000 | CA | Sharon L. Wert Barbour | Park and Recreation District |
11/07/2000 | CA | Demian Barrett | County Board of Supervisors |
11/07/2000 | CA | Creighton Bell | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Medea Benjamin | U.S. Senate |
11/07/2000 | CA | Jan Louis Bergeron | State Assembly |
11/07/2000 | CA | Susan L. Brinton | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Scott Bugental | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | E. Craig Coffin | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | CA | Craig Combes | Resource Conservation District |
11/07/2000 | CA | Wendy Corlis | School Board |
11/07/2000 | CA | Colby Crotzer | Mayor |
11/07/2000 | CA | Leslie Dalhoff | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Bruce Delgado | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | DNA | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Robert Doyle | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Michael Feinstein | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Tim Fitzgerald | Board of Education |
11/07/2000 | CA | Dwain Goforth | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Jim Guthrie | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Ron Ramsay Hagg | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Pia Jensen | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Rebecca Kaplan | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Arian Katovich | Park and Recreation District |
11/07/2000 | CA | Tom Kelly | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Seth Kroger | Board of Education |
11/07/2000 | CA | Arnie Leff | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Robin Leler | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Craig Litwin | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Bonnie Morr | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Justin ‘Justo’ Moscoso | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | CA | Christine Mulholland | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Robert (Bob) Nanninga | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | George Nelson Jr. | Board of Education |
11/07/2000 | CA | Michael Nemeth | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Bob Ornelas | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Bill Patterson | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Gloria Purcell | State Assembly |
11/07/2000 | CA | Joey Racano | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Chuck Reutter | State Assembly |
11/07/2000 | CA | Duane Roberts | School Board of Trustees |
11/07/2000 | CA | Phil Rockey | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Marc Salomon | County Board of Supervisors |
11/07/2000 | CA | John Selawsky | School Board |
11/07/2000 | CA | Lauren Sinnott | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Jeff Sklar | Rent Control Board |
11/07/2000 | CA | Sam Spooner | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Cynthia Strecker | School Board of Trustees |
11/07/2000 | CA | Paul Stutrud | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Robert ‘Roy’ van de Hoek | City Council |
11/07/2000 | CA | Krista Lieberg Wong | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | CO | Judy (Che) Davies | County Commission |
11/07/2000 | CO | Ron Forthofer | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | CO | Art Goodtimes | County Board of Commissioners |
11/07/2000 | CT | Paul Bassler | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | CT | Timothy Bowles | State Senate |
11/07/2000 | CT | Audrey Cole | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | CT | Mike DeRosa | State Senate |
11/07/2000 | CT | Thomas Ethier | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | CT | Tony Santini | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | CT | Thomas Sevigny | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | DC | Renee Bowser | City Council |
11/07/2000 | DC | Tom Briggs | City Council |
11/07/2000 | DC | Gail Dixon | Board of Education |
11/07/2000 | DC | Arturo Griffiths | City Council |
11/07/2000 | DC | Thomas E. Smith | Board of Education |
11/07/2000 | DC | Martin Thomas | Delegate to U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | DE | Craig Shumaker | County Chief Executive |
11/07/2000 | FL | Eric Fricker | City Commission |
11/07/2000 | GA | Rovene Askren | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | GA | Kerrie Dickson | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | GA | Jeff Gates | U.S. Senate |
11/07/2000 | GA | Reverend Zack Lyde | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | HI | Ginny Aste | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | HI | Jack Kelly | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | HI | Nick Nikhilananda | County Council |
11/07/2000 | HI | Shaun Stenshol | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | IA | Kevin Lee | County Board of Supervisors |
11/07/2000 | IA | Russell Lovetinsky | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | IA | Jay Robinson | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | IL | Martin Hippie | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | KY | Ken Sain | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | MD | David Gross | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | ME | Derrick Grant | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | ME | Jane Scease | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | MI | Matthew Abel | U.S. Senate |
11/07/2000 | MI | JoAnne Beemon | Drain Commissioner |
11/07/2000 | MI | William Banny Bishop | Drain Commissioner |
11/07/2000 | MI | Bonnie Bucqueroux | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | MI | Alan Gamble | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | MI | Jon Den Herder | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | MI | Gaia L. M. Kile | County Sheriff |
11/07/2000 | MI | Terry Link | Town Supervisor |
11/07/2000 | MI | Marilyn MacDermaid | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | MI | Roger McClary | County Board of Commissioners |
11/07/2000 | MI | Tom Ness | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | MI | James Nicita | University Board of Governors |
11/07/2000 | MI | Christie L. Nowak | City Council |
11/07/2000 | MI | Scott Trudeau | University Board of Regents |
11/07/2000 | MI | William D. Zoyes | County Board of Commissioners |
11/07/2000 | MN | Holle Brian | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | MN | Matt Taylor | City Council |
11/07/2000 | MO | Mary A. Auer | State Senate |
11/07/2000 | MO | Peter M. Coogan | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | MO | Paula Elias | Secretary of State |
11/07/2000 | MO | Frank Eller, Jr | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | MO | Ben Kjelshus | Lieutenant Governor |
11/07/2000 | MO | Mary Maroney | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | MO | Mike Odell | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | MO | Brenda (Ziah) Reddick | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | MO | Lavoy (Zaki Baruti) Reed | Governor |
11/07/2000 | MO | Charles Reitz | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | MO | Tom Sager | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | MO | Devin Scherubel | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | MO | Evaline Taylor | U.S. Senate |
11/07/2000 | MO | Jason R Toon | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | MO | Patricia A. Turek | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | MO | Ray Vanlandingham | State Treasurer |
11/07/2000 | MO | Charles Winters | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NJ | Bruce Afran | U.S. Senate |
11/07/2000 | NJ | Stuart Chaifetz | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NJ | Jerry L. Coleman | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NJ | Susan Deckert | Freeholder |
11/07/2000 | NJ | Joseph Fortunato | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NJ | Robert (Gabe) Gabrielsky | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NJ | Earl Gray | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NJ | Michael ‘MJ’ King | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NJ | Aaron M. Kromash | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NJ | Dan Martin | Freeholder |
11/07/2000 | NJ | Carl Mayer | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NJ | Claudette Meliere | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NJ | Catherine Parrish | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NJ | Lewis Pell | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NJ | John Piekarski | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NJ | Thomas Regrut | Freeholder |
11/07/2000 | NJ | Paul Silberman | Freeholder |
11/07/2000 | NM | Cliff Bain | Public Utility Regulatory Commission |
11/07/2000 | NM | Allen Cooper | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NM | Marvin Gladstone | Statewide Court of Appeals |
11/07/2000 | NM | Ann Gleason | State Senate |
11/07/2000 | NM | Dan Kerlinsky | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NM | Melissa MacDonald | County Commission |
11/07/2000 | NM | Xubi Wilson | County Commission |
11/07/2000 | NM | Richard Allen Winecoff | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NV | Charles Laws | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NV | Kathy Rusco | U.S. Senate |
11/07/2000 | NY | Henry (Hank) Bardel | State Senate |
11/07/2000 | NY | Elmer Bertsch | State Assembly |
11/07/2000 | NY | Norah Brennan | State Senate |
11/07/2000 | NY | Donald J. DeBerardinis | Mayor |
11/07/2000 | NY | Raymond J. Dowd | State Assembly |
11/07/2000 | NY | Mark Dunau | U.S. Senate |
11/07/2000 | NY | Mark A. Dunlea | State Assembly |
11/07/2000 | NY | Stephen M. Edelglass | State Assembly |
11/07/2000 | NY | Javier Enriquez | State Assembly |
11/07/2000 | NY | Jim Farney | Board of Public Education |
11/07/2000 | NY | Vincent A. Ferri | State Assembly |
11/07/2000 | NY | Tom Gillespie | County Executive |
11/07/2000 | NY | Paul Gilman | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NY | Jon Greenbaum | State Assembly |
11/07/2000 | NY | Don Hassig | State Assembly |
11/07/2000 | NY | Eve Hawkins | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NY | Howie Hawkins | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NY | Elizabeth Henley | State Assembly |
11/07/2000 | NY | Van Buren D. Howell | State Assembly |
11/07/2000 | NY | Mark Jacobs | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NY | Noah Landon | State Senate |
11/07/2000 | NY | Dean Loren | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NY | Pierre (Pete) Mercier | State Assembly |
11/07/2000 | NY | Mark Naef | State Senate |
11/07/2000 | NY | Jeffery Peress | State Assembly |
11/07/2000 | NY | Craig Seeman | State Senate |
11/07/2000 | NY | Becky N. Shaw | State Senate |
11/07/2000 | NY | Roger Snyder | State Assembly |
11/07/2000 | NY | Sandy Stevens | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NY | Dan Wentzel | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | NY | Jason West | State Assembly |
11/07/2000 | NY | Margo Whitney | State Assembly |
11/07/2000 | NY | Dorothy Williams-Pereira | State Senate |
11/07/2000 | OH | Logan Martinez | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | OR | Christina Alexander | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | OR | Tre Arrow | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | OR | Michael Beilstein | County Commission |
11/07/2000 | OR | Anna Braun | City Council |
11/07/2000 | OR | Lori Burton | County Commission |
11/07/2000 | OR | Lloyd Marbet | Secretary of State |
11/07/2000 | OR | Alexander Patterson | Soil and Water Conservation District |
11/07/2000 | OR | Whitney Smith | State Senate |
11/07/2000 | OR | Barry Joe Stull | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | OR | David Tillemans | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | PA | Demo Agoris | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | PA | William M. Belitskus | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | PA | Anne Goeke | State Auditor General |
11/07/2000 | PA | Barbara S. Knox | State Treasurer |
11/07/2000 | PA | Curt Larson | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | PA | Thomas Alan Linzey | Attorney General |
11/07/2000 | PA | Eric Prindle | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | PA | Jennaro Pullano | State Senate |
11/07/2000 | PA | John R. Stith | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | RI | Jeff Johnson | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | RI | Karen Johnson | City Council |
11/07/2000 | RI | Gregg Stevens | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | TN | Tom Burrell | U.S. Senate |
11/07/2000 | TX | Gary Dugger | State Railroad Commissioner |
11/07/2000 | TX | Ben Levy | State Supreme Court |
11/07/2000 | TX | Charlie Mauch | State Railroad Commission |
11/07/2000 | TX | Doug Sandage | U.S. Senate |
11/07/2000 | VA | David Harbor | Soil and Water Conservation District |
11/07/2000 | VA | Kathy O’Hara | Soil and Water Conservation District |
11/07/2000 | VA | Phil Welch | Soil and Water Conservation District |
11/07/2000 | WA | Joe Szwaja | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | WY | John Hanks | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2000 | WY | Amy Moon | City Council |
10/07/2000 | LA | Les Evenchick | School Board |
10/03/2000 | AK | Della Coburn | City Council |
10/03/2000 | AK | Maryalice Montoya-Bighinatti | Board of Education |
10/03/2000 | AK | Amy K. Smith | City Assembly |
10/03/2000 | AK | Patty Zimmerman | Mayor |
09/12/2000 | AZ | Alva D’Orgeix | Mayor |
09/12/2000 | NY | Joseph Dubovy | U.S. House of Representatives |
09/12/2000 | NY | Ronnie Dugger | U.S. Senate |
09/12/2000 | NY | Al Lewis | U.S. Senate |
09/12/2000 | WY | Mike Oxley | City Council |
05/02/2000 | NY | Ben Zwirn | County Legislature |
05/02/2000 | TX | Aaron Dolson | Mayor |
04/04/2000 | CA | Wiliam Rothlan | City Council |
04/04/2000 | CO | Robert Kelly-Goss | City Council |
04/04/2000 | CO | Jim Lamb | Town Council |
04/04/2000 | WI | Robert Browne | County Board of Supervisors |
04/04/2000 | WI | Bruce T. Ciskie | County Board of Supervisors |
04/04/2000 | WI | David Conley | County Board of Supervisors |
04/04/2000 | WI | Larry Harding | Township Board of Supervisors |
04/04/2000 | WI | John Hendrick | County Board of Supervisors |
04/04/2000 | WI | Al Matano | County Board of Supervisors |
04/04/2000 | WI | Kathryn McKenzie | County Board of Supervisors |
04/04/2000 | WI | Robert Olsgard | County Board of Supervisors |
04/04/2000 | WI | Thomas Powell | County Board of Supervisors |
04/04/2000 | WI | Don Richards | Common Council |
04/04/2000 | WI | Tom Sykes | County Board of Supervisors |
04/04/2000 | WI | Echnaton Vedder | County Board of Supervisors |
03/14/2000 | CA | Kip Krueger | Planning Board |
03/14/2000 | MN | David Abazs | Township Board of Supervisors |
03/07/2000 | CA | Sara Bassler | Community Council |
03/07/2000 | CA | Jay Evarts | Planning Group |
03/07/2000 | CA | Barbara Fornaciari | Planning Group |
03/07/2000 | CA | Dan Forston | County Board of Supervisors |
03/07/2000 | CA | Kip Krueger | Planning Board |
03/07/2000 | CA | Christine Malan | Board of Supervisors |
03/07/2000 | CA | Louis Nuyens | Board of Supervisors |
03/07/2000 | CA | Jan Tucker | U.S. Senate |
03/07/2000 | CA | Gary Waayers | County Board of Supervisors |
03/07/2000 | NM | Miguel Chavez | City Council |
03/07/2000 | NM | Fran Gallegos | Municipal Judge |