GPUS Elections Database
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Summary of Green Candidates
Definition of a Green Party Candidate / Officeholder
Who is considered a Green Party candidate / officeholder – by state
Qualifications and Requirements for Running for State and Federal Office
General Election Results Certification Dates
Greens in Office
Greens holding elected office, July 1, 2024 (150)
Number of Greens holding elected office – history
Greens in State Legislatures
Green Legislative Majorities
Most Greens on a legislative body
Most Total Years Holding Office
Most Consecutive Years With a Green Elected to a Legislative Body
Youngest Greens elected
Green Mayors – Elected and Appointed
Largest Cities by Population – Green City Councilmembers
Greens holding appointed office
Presidential Elections
Election History
Victories, 1985 to present
Candidate & Victory Totals By Year
Candidates & officeholders per state, 1985 to present
Candidate Lists by State & Territory
Candidates by Office Types
Election Reports
Top Results – US House
Greens elected in unopposed races
Write-In Candidates
Ballot Status History By State Party
Submit Additions
History of GPUS Elections Data Base
Identifying registered Greens in non-partisan races, elected office
New Mexico
84 races
Green candidates in New Mexico
Abraham Guttman Runs for City Council, 1997
Abraham Guttman Runs for State House of Representatives, 1992
Abraham Guttman Runs for U.S. Senate, 1996
Allen Cooper Runs for State House of Representatives, 2000
Andres Vargas Runs for District Attorney, 1992
Andres Vargas Runs for District Attorney, 1996
Andrew Feldman Runs for City Council, 2008
Andrew Homer Runs for State House of Representatives, 1998
Ann Gleason Runs for Attorney General, 2002
Ann Gleason Runs for State Senate, 2000
Carol Miller Runs for U.S. House of Representatives, 1997
Carol Miller Runs for U.S. House of Representatives, 1998
Cliff Bain Runs for County Commission, 2002
Cliff Bain Runs for Public Service Commissioner, 1998
Cliff Bain Runs for Public Utility Regulatory Commission, 2000
Cris Moore Runs for City Council, 1994
Cris Moore Runs for City Council, 1998
Cynthia Morrison Runs for State House of Representatives, 2006
Damacio Lopez Runs for Secretary of State, 1998
Dan Kerlinsky Runs for U.S. House of Representatives, 2000
David Bacon Runs for Governor, 2002
David Bacon Runs for Public Regulation Commission, 2006
David Hampton Runs for State House of Representatives, 1994
David Hutt Runs for School Board, 1997
Dean Williamson Runs for County Surveyor, 2004
Don Brayfield Runs for County Assessor, 1994
Don Thompson Runs for State House of Representatives, 2002
Donald L. Thompson Runs for State House of Representatives, 1998
Donald L. Thompson Runs for State House of Representatives, 2006
Fran Gallegos Runs for Municipal Judge, 1994
Fran Gallegos Runs for Municipal Judge, 1996
Fran Gallegos Runs for Municipal Judge, 2000
Fran Gallegos Runs for Municipal Judge, 2004
Gary Clauss Runs for City Council, 1999
Gary Clauss Runs for City Council, 2001
Gary Clauss Runs for City Council, 2003
Gary Clauss Runs for County Commission, 1998
Gary Clauss Runs for County Commission, 2002
George L. Dewey Runs for U.S. House of Representatives, 2002
Geraldine J.M. Amato Runs for County Sheriff, 1998
Herman Montoya Runs for County Commission, 2004
Jeffrey Shannon Runs for District Attorney, 2004
Jeremy Brown Runs for County Commission, 1998
Joe Niesley Runs for State Senate, 2004
John A. ‘Jack’ Uhrich Runs for County Commission, 1998
John A. ‘Jack’ Uhrich Runs for U.S. House of Representatives, 1996
John McCall Runs for U.S. House of Representatives, 1996
Kathy Sanchez Runs for Lieutenant Governor, 2002
Lorenzo Garcia Runs for State Treasurer, 1994
Marvin Gladstone Runs for Statewide Court of Appeals, 2000
Mary Lou Jones Runs for State House of Representatives, 1994
Melanie Baca Runs for Town Council, 2018
Melissa MacDonald Runs for County Commission, 2000
Mervyn C. Tilden Runs for State House of Representatives, 2002
Miguel Chavez Runs for City Council, 1996
Miguel Chavez Runs for City Council, 2000
Patricia Wolff Runs for Commissioner of Public Lands, 1994
Peggy Helgeson Runs for Public Service Commissioner, 1996
Rex Johnson Runs for U.S. House of Representatives, 1994
Richard Allen Winecoff Runs for State House of Representatives, 2000
Richard Haley Runs for State Auditor, 1998
Richard Polese Runs for School Board, 2007
Rick Lass Runs for Public Regulation Commissioner, 2008
Rick Lass Runs for State House of Representatives, 2002
Robert Anderson Runs for City Council, 2003
Robert Anderson Runs for State House of Representatives, 1994
Robert Anderson Runs for U.S. House of Representatives, 1998
Robert Anderson Runs for U.S. House of Representatives, 1998
Robert E. West Runs for U.S. House of Representatives, 1998
Robert M. Serna Runs for County Sheriff, 2002
Robert Mast Runs for City Council, 1999
Roberto Mondragon Runs for Governor, 1994
Roberto Mondragon Runs for State House of Representatives, 1996
Sam Hitt Runs for Commissioner of Public Lands, 1998
Sam Hitt Runs for State Commissioner of Pubic Lands, 2002
Sam Hitt Runs for U.S. Senate, 1996
Scott Jones Runs for County Commission, 1996
Sherry Tippett Runs for School Board, 1999
Stephen A. Verchinski Runs for State House of Representatives, 2020
Steve Cabiedes Runs for County Clerk, 2004
Steven Schmidt (NM) Runs for Lieutenant Governor, 1994
Terry Mulcahy Runs for State House of Representatives, 1998
Tom Luebben Runs for State Supreme Court, 1996
Xubi Wilson Runs for County Commission, 2000