Summary of Green Candidates

This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.

Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed

At least 161 Greens hold elected office as of the November 2024 elections — Greens have been elected at least 1582 times in history in the United States — and over 6900 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office. (Updated January 25, 2025)


2018 Stats

319 Races in 2018

Election DateStateCandidateOffice
11/06/2018AZ Angel TorresGovernor
11/06/2018AZ Haryaksha Gregor KnauerU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018AZ Angela GreenU.S. Senate
11/06/2018AZ Gary SwingU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018AZ Mohammad ArifState Senate
11/06/2018AZ Beryl BakerState House of Representatives
11/06/2018AZ Sara Mae WilliamsState House of Representatives
11/06/2018AZ Joshua ReillyState House of Representatives
11/06/2018AZ Richard GraysonState House of Representatives
11/06/2018CA Kenneth MejiaU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018CA Rodolfo Cortes BarraganU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018CA Laura WellsU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018CAElected Bruce DelgadoMayor
11/06/2018CAElected Larry BragmanWater District Board of Directors
11/06/2018CA Emmanuel EstradaMayor
11/06/2018CA Aidan HillCity Council
11/06/2018CAElected Jose LaraGoverning Board Member
11/06/2018CA Amy MartensonCollege Board of Trustees
11/06/2018CA Jason KishineffCity Council
11/06/2018CA James HintonCity Council
11/06/2018CA Anthony KrzywickiSchool Board
11/06/2018CA Mike MurphyCounty Board of Supervisors
11/06/2018CA Saied KaramoozMayor
11/06/2018CAElected Leslie CastellanoCity Council
11/06/2018CAElected Desiree DavenportCommunity Services District
11/06/2018CAElected Dana SilvernaleSchool Board
11/06/2018CA Erik “Yahmo Ahqha” RydbergCommunity Services District
11/06/2018CA Jon (Stevens) MannRent Control Board
11/06/2018CA Manuel MusquizCity Council
11/06/2018CA Christopher MinsalSchool Board
11/06/2018CA Ruscal CayangyangBoard of Education
11/06/2018CA Margaret GarciaCollege Board of Trustees
11/06/2018CAElected Jacob CoanGoverning Board Member
11/06/2018CAElected George WheelerCommunity Services District
11/06/2018CA Jack WagnerCity Council
11/06/2018CA Valerie Rose-CampbellCity Council
11/06/2018CA Bridget DuffyCity Council
11/06/2018CA Victor AlcantaraCity Council
11/06/2018CAElected Jim SmithSchool Board of Trustees
11/06/2018CAElected Laura Esperanza SurlsSchool Board of Trustees
11/06/2018CA Rex GressettHealth Care District
11/06/2018CAElected Elaine HoganCity Council
11/06/2018CAElected Mark DykenGoverning Boardmember
11/06/2018CA Joseph Uptain-VillaGoverning Board Member
11/06/2018CA Barbara McVeighGoverning School Board
11/06/2018CAElected Robert ‘Bob’ WichertWater District Board of Directors
11/06/2018CA Cynthia NashRecreation and Parks District
11/06/2018CAElected Scott SchneiderSchool Board of Trustees
11/06/2018CAElected Cynthia ReplogleCommunity Services District
11/06/2018CAElected David ClarkSchool Board of Trustees
11/06/2018CAElected Carolyn DixonGoverning Board Member
11/06/2018CA Salvador Lopez-WillinghamCity Council
11/06/2018CAElected Kim TaylorRecreation District
11/06/2018CAElected Ryan O’NeilSchool Board of Trustees
11/06/2018CO Cliffton WillmengCounty Commission
11/06/2018CO Kevin AlumbaughU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018CO John VigilU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018CO Christopher AllenU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018CO Michael HaugheyU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018CO Gary SwingU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018CO Bruce LohmillerU.S. House of Represenatives
11/06/2018CT Barbara BarryState Senate
11/06/2018CT Cora SantaguidaState Senate
11/06/2018CT Megan CassanoState Senate
11/06/2018CT Mary L. Sanders State House of Representatives
11/06/2018CT Madeleine LeveilleState House of Representatives
11/06/2018CT Jeff RussellU.S. Senate
11/06/2018CT Tom McCormickU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018CT Michelle Louise BickingU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018CT Peter GoselinAttorney General
11/06/2018CT Mike DeRosaSecretary of State
11/06/2018CT Edward HeflinState Comptroller
11/06/2018CT Cassandra MartineauRegistrar of Voters
11/06/2018CT Brian GayRegistrar of Voters
11/06/2018CT Alexander FosterRegistrar of Voters
11/06/2018CT Colin SouneyState House of Representatives
11/06/2018CT Ben ConroyState House of Representatives
11/06/2018CTElected John RoushRegistrar of Voters
11/06/2018CT Mike PitassiState House of Representatives
11/06/2018CT Sherri Danaher ConroyRegistrar of Voters
11/06/2018CT Michael SchmidtBoard of Education
11/06/2018CT David BedellRegistrar of Voters
11/06/2018CT Sean AmesRegistrar of Voters
11/06/2018DC Natale ‘Lino’ StracuzziDelegate to the U.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018DC Ann WilcoxMayor
11/06/2018DC David SchwartzmanCity Council
11/06/2018DC Joyce Robinson-PaulCity Council
11/06/2018DC Eleanor OryShadow U.S Senate
11/06/2018DCElected Perry ReddAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/06/2018DC Joyce Robinson-PaulAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/06/2018DE Demitri TheodoropoulosU.S. Senate
11/06/2018DE David ChandlerState Treasurer
11/06/2018DE Dawn LentzCounty Council
11/06/2018FL Samson LeBeau KpadenouState House of Representatives
11/06/2018FL Elijah ManleySchool Board
11/06/2018FL Francisco Pierre-LouisSoil and Water Board
11/06/2018FL Kim O’ConnorCounty Commissioner
11/06/2018GA Jimmy CooperU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018GA John FortuinState Senate
11/06/2018HI Nick NikhilanandaState House of Representatives
11/06/2018HI Jim BrewerGovernor
11/06/2018HI Renee IngLieutenant Governor
11/06/2018HI Zachary BurdU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018HI Melissah ShishidoState Senate
11/06/2018HI Jen MatherState House of Representatives
11/06/2018IA Paul KnuppU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018IL Randy AuxierU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018IL Christopher AnthonyWater Reclamation District
11/06/2018IL Geoffrey CubbageWater Reclamation District
11/06/2018IL Rachel WalesWater Reclamation District
11/06/2018IL Karen RoothanWater Reclamation District
11/06/2018IL Tammie Felicia VinsonWater Reclamation District
11/06/2018IL Rich WhitneyCounty Board
11/06/2018IL Joshua HellmannCounty Board
11/06/2018IN George WolfeSecretary of State
11/06/2018IN Alan McPhersonTown Council
11/06/2018LA Stewart ManyLightnings EastmanTown Council
11/06/2018LA Cricket NelsonTown Council
11/06/2018MA Daniel FactorState House of Representatives
11/06/2018MA Yasmine KhdeerState House of Representatives
11/06/2018MA Matthew MoncreaffState House of Representatives
11/06/2018MA Juan Gabriel SanchezSecretary of the Commonwealth
11/06/2018MA Edward ‘Jed’ StamasState Auditor
11/06/2018MA Jamie GuerinState Treasurer
11/06/2018MD Guy MimounU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018MD Patrick ElderU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018MD George GluckU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018MD Jenna RolandState Senate
11/06/2018MD David JeangState Senate
11/06/2018MD Daniel DelMonteHouse of Delegates
11/06/2018MD Andrew BarnhartHouse of Delegates
11/06/2018MD Charlotte McBreartyState House of Delegates
11/06/2018MD Ryan SullivanHouse of Delegates
11/06/2018MD Jon CookHouse of Delegates
11/06/2018MD Liv RomanoHouse of Delegates
11/06/2018MD Joshua HarrisHouse of Delegates
11/06/2018MD Drew PateHouse of Delegates
11/06/2018MD Bonnie LaneHouse of Delegates
11/06/2018MD Steven “Andy” EllisHouse of Delegates
11/06/2018MD Glenn RossHouse of Delegates
11/06/2018MD Ian SchlakmanGovernor
11/06/2018MD Annie ChambersLieutenant Governor
11/06/2018MD Michael LepticCounty Commissioner
11/06/2018MD Steve WollettCounty Commissioner
11/06/2018MD Chris DudleyCounty Commission President
11/06/2018MD Stanley HayesCounty Commissioner
11/06/2018MD Tim WillardCounty Council
11/06/2018MD Wayne HedrickCity Council
11/06/2018MD Howard ZusesCounty Council
11/06/2018MD Woody CaceresCounty Council
11/06/2018MD Esther LazarowitzCounty Council
11/06/2018ME Justin ReinhardtState House of Representatives
11/06/2018ME Andrew HowardState House of Representatives
11/06/2018ME Kathryn SchrockState House of Representatives
11/06/2018ME Kim PfuschState House of Representatives
11/06/2018ME Robin DownsState House of Representatives
11/06/2018ME Jaco DeertrackState House of Representatives
11/06/2018MI Charlotte AikensCounty Board of Commissioners
11/06/2018MI Jennifer KurlandGovernor
11/06/2018MI Charin DavenportLieutenant Governor
11/06/2018MI Marcia SquierU.S. Senate
11/06/2018MI John McDermottU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018MI Harley MikkelsonU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018MI David BullockState Senate
11/06/2018MI Jessicia SmithState Senate
11/06/2018MI Eric BorregardState Senate
11/06/2018MI Robert AlwayState Senate
11/06/2018MI Wade RobertsState Senate
11/06/2018MI John Anthony La PietraState House of Representatives
11/06/2018MI Robin Lea LaurainState House of Representatives
11/06/2018MI Sherry A. WellsState Board of Education
11/06/2018MI Kevin GravesUniversity Board of Regents
11/06/2018MI Tom MairCounty Board of Commissioners
11/06/2018MI Gina LusterCounty Board of Commissioners
11/06/2018MI Aaron MariasyUniversity Board of Trustees
11/06/2018MI Dray PerkinsCity Commission
11/06/2018MIElected Beau PerryLibrary Board of Directors
11/06/2018MIElected Evelyn PridemoreSchool Board
11/06/2018MI Jacob StraleyState House of Representative
11/06/2018MN Paula OverbyU.S. Senate
11/06/2018MN Les LesterU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018MO Jo CrainU.S. Senate
11/06/2018MO Don FitzState Auditor
11/06/2018MO Maurice CopelandU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018MO Nathan KlineCounty Executive
11/06/2018MO Valorie EngholmState House of Representatives
11/06/2018MO Conon GillisState Senate
11/06/2018MO William (Bill) HastingsState House of Representatives
11/06/2018MO Carol HexemState House of Representatives
11/06/2018MO Robert WarbinState House of Representatives
11/06/2018MO Mollie DyerState House of Representatives
11/06/2018MO David Justus ArnoldU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018MO Robert DebbautState House of Representatives
11/06/2018NC Keenen AlticCounty Board of Commissioners
11/06/2018NC Robert CorriherU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018NC Justin MillerState House of Representatives
11/06/2018NC Lillian TaylorSoil and Water Conservation District
11/06/2018NJ Madelyn HoffmanU.S. Senate
11/06/2018NJ Diane MoxleyU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018NY Howie HawkinsGovernor
11/06/2018NY Mark DunleaState Comptroller
11/06/2018NY Frank CeteraCommon Council
11/06/2018NY Jia LeeLieutenant Governor
11/06/2018NY Michael SussmanAttorney General
11/06/2018NY Henry (Hank) BardelU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018NY Steven GreenfieldU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018NY Tom HillgardnerU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018NY Scott HutchinsU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018NY Lynn KahnU.S. House of Representative
11/06/2018NY Anthony BaneyState Assembly
11/06/2018NY Anthony BeckfordState Assembly
11/06/2018NY John DennieState Assembly
11/06/2018NY Peter DiachunState Senate
11/06/2018NY Danilo LawvereState Assembly
11/06/2018NY Daniel FalconeState Assembly
11/06/2018NY Wade VanValkenburghMayor
11/06/2018OH Gary CoxState Senate
11/06/2018OH Steven DodgeState House of Representatives
11/06/2018OH Kevin FayState House of Representatives
11/06/2018OH Constance Gadell-NewtonGovernor
11/06/2018OH Brett JosephLieutenant Governor
11/06/2018OH Austin BashoreState House of Representatives
11/06/2018OH David BakerU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018OH Joe ManchikU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018OR Marvin SandnesU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018OR Michael BeilsteinU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018OR Tim DehneCounty Commission
11/06/2018PA Neal GaleU.S. Senate
11/06/2018PA Paul GloverGovernor
11/06/2018PA Jocolyn Bowser-BostickLieutenant Governor
11/06/2018PA Jay SweeneyState Senate
11/06/2018PA Jay Ting WalkerState House of Representatives
11/06/2018PA Darcelle SlappyState House of Representatives
11/06/2018PA Brianna JohnstonU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018SC Bryan Kelly PughU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018SC Joel MillikenCounty Council
11/06/2018SC David EdmondState Commissioner of Agriculture
11/06/2018SCElected Michael StewartSoil and Water Commission
11/06/2018TN Yvonne NeubertGovernor
11/06/2018TN Lloyd DunnU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018TX Nicholas VasquezCity Council
11/06/2018TX George Eric StolzCity Council
11/06/2018UT Adam DavisU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018UT Abrian Velarde State Senate
11/06/2018UT Matt StylesState House of Representatives
11/06/2018UT Brendan PhillipsCounty Commission
11/06/2018UT Adam GuymonCounty Council
11/06/2018VA Audrey ClementSchool Board
11/06/2018VA Mary Lou BurkeCity Council
11/06/2018WA Andrew SaturnPublic Utility District
11/06/2018WI Michael WhiteGovernor
11/06/2018WI Tiffany AndersonLieutenant Governor
11/06/2018WI Aaron CamachoState Senate
11/06/2018WV Barbara DanielsState House of Delegates
11/06/2018WV Daniel LutzU.S. House of Representatives
11/06/2018WV Karen WhiteState House of Delegates
11/06/2018WV David Elliot PrittState House of Delegates
11/06/2018WV David TabbCounty Commission
11/06/2018WV Susie Worley JenkinsCounty Commission
10/02/2018AK Robert ShieldsMayor
08/28/2018AZ Noah DyerGovernor
08/28/2018FL Robin Denise HarrisCounty Commissioner
08/28/2018UTElected Tom KingCommunity Council
08/14/2018MN Megan Kuhl-StennesCounty Commissioner
08/14/2018MN Bryce LangeCounty Commissioner
08/07/2018MO Jerome BauerU.S. Senate
08/07/2018OH Joe ManchikU.S. House of Representatives
08/07/2018WA Stonewall Jackson BirdU.S. House of Representatives
06/19/2018MEElected Jan M. MacdonaldSelect Board
06/12/2018MEElected Samuel PfeifleSchool Board
06/12/2018MEElected Benjamin GuildBoard of Selectman
06/12/2018MEElected Travis RitchieSchool Board
06/12/2018ME Marilynn GrizkewitschSelectboard
06/12/2018MEElected Lindsey SavagePark Commission
06/12/2018MT Timothy AdamsU.S. Senate
06/05/2018CA Pamela ElizondoCounty Board of Supervisors
06/05/2018CA Rachel BruhnkeState Assembly
06/05/2018CA Bridget DuffyState Assembly
06/05/2018CA Carol BouldinState Assembly
06/05/2018CA Barry HermansonU.S. House of Representatives
06/05/2018CA Lewis ElbingerU.S. House of Representatives
06/05/2018CA Jason KishineffU.S. House of Representatives
06/05/2018CA Chris RichardsonU.S. House of Representatives
06/05/2018CA Angelica DueñasU.S. House of Representatives
06/05/2018CA Miguel ZunigaU.S. House of Representatives
06/05/2018CA Danielle St. JohnU.S. House of Representatives
06/05/2018CA Michael FeinsteinSecretary of State
06/05/2018CA Erik RydbergSecretary of State
06/05/2018CA Christopher CarlsonGovernor
06/05/2018CA Josh JonesGovernor
06/05/2018CA Michael ZiesingU.S. Senate
06/05/2018CA Veronika FimbresGovernor
06/05/2018CA Sarah (Sadie) FultonState Assembly
06/05/2018MT Steve KellyU.S. Senate
06/05/2018NYElected Orion BarberCollege Board of Trustees
06/04/2018CT Mary L. SandersState House of Representatives
05/17/2018MEElected Jessaka NicholsSchool Board
05/14/2018DEElected Adriana BohmSchool Board
05/14/2018MAElected David SpanagelLibrary Board of Trustees
05/08/2018NJ Victor MonterrosaCity Council
05/08/2018NJ Anthony DiazCity Council
05/08/2018NJ Hellane FreemanCity Council
05/08/2018NJ Zellie ThomasCity Council
05/08/2018WVElected Elizabeth Orndoff-SayersMayor
05/05/2018TX Hunter CrowSchool Board of Trustees
05/01/2018MAElected Bryan MossTown Meeting Member
04/24/2018NY Adrienne Craig-WilliamsState Assembly
04/19/2018AKElected Della CoburnTribal Council
04/17/2018NJ Johnnie LattnerBoard of Education
04/05/2018MEElected Danielle GraySchool Board
04/04/2018ME Benjamin MeiklejohnSchool Board
04/03/2018CA James Henry “Henk” ConnMayor
04/03/2018WIElected Bob GiffordCounty Board of Supervisors
03/24/2018LA Morgan Moss Jr. Mayor
03/20/2018NYElected Christine ElmsVillage Board of Trustees
03/09/2018MEElected Gilbert HarrisBoard of Selectman
03/06/2018NM Melanie BacaTown Council
03/05/2018MEElected Adam HarkinsSchool Committee