This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.
Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed.
At least 160 Greens hold elected office as of the November 2024 elections — Greens have been elected at least 1576 times in history in the United States — and over 6800 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office. (Updated November 27, 2024)
1998 Stats
- 131 Races in 1998
- 20 States in 1998
- 31 Victories in 1998
131 Races in 1998
Election Date | State | Candidate | Office |
11/03/1998 | AK | Jeffrey Gottlieb | U.S. Senate |
11/03/1998 | AK | John Grames | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | AK | Desa Jacobsen | Governor |
11/03/1998 | AK | Mike Milligan | Lieutenant Governor |
11/03/1998 | AR | Paul Kelly | City Board of Directors |
11/03/1998 | AR | Randy Zurcher | City Council |
11/03/1998 | CA | Jon (Stevens) Mann | City Council |
11/03/1998 | CA | Nancy Lynn Abrams | City Council |
11/03/1998 | CA | Ken Adams | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | CA | Cynthia Allaire | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | CA | Sara Amir | Lieutenant Governor |
11/03/1998 | CA | Maria Armoudian | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | CA | Glenn Bailey | State Board of Equalization |
11/03/1998 | CA | Glenn Bailey | Resource Conservation District |
11/03/1998 | CA | Robin Barrett | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | CA | Bonnie Bennett | City Council |
11/03/1998 | CA | Michael Boyd | Board of Education |
11/03/1998 | CA | Todd Chas | Board of Education |
11/03/1998 | CA | Phil Courtney | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | CA | Pamela Coxson | Board of Education |
11/03/1998 | CA | Colby Crotzer | City Council |
11/03/1998 | CA | Budd Dickinson | City Council |
11/03/1998 | CA | Alan Drusys | City Council |
11/03/1998 | CA | Tim Fitzgerald | Board of Education |
11/03/1998 | CA | Tim Fitzmaurice | City Council |
11/03/1998 | CA | Rex Frankel | State Assembly |
11/03/1998 | CA | Bradley Freeman | City Council |
11/03/1998 | CA | Dan Hamburg | Governor |
11/03/1998 | CA | Chris Kavanagh | City Council |
11/03/1998 | CA | Debra Keips | City Council |
11/03/1998 | CA | James Lamport | Hospital District |
11/03/1998 | CA | Krista Lieberg-Wong | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | CA | Craig Litwin | City Council |
11/03/1998 | CA | George M. Mathews | City Council |
11/03/1998 | CA | Kevin McKeown | City Council |
11/03/1998 | CA | Edward Muzika | City Council |
11/03/1998 | CA | DeOnne Noel | School Board |
11/03/1998 | CA | Bill Patterson | City Council |
11/03/1998 | CA | Larry Robinson | City Council |
11/03/1998 | CA | Steven Schmidt (CA) | City Council |
11/03/1998 | CA | Sandra Ventura Scott | School Board |
11/03/1998 | CA | John Selawsky | School Board |
11/03/1998 | CA | Walt Sheasby | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | CA | Selma Spector | Rent Stabilization Board |
11/03/1998 | CA | Dona Spring | City Council |
11/03/1998 | CA | Tim Willis | School Board |
11/03/1998 | CO | Dean Myerson | University Board of Regents |
11/03/1998 | CO | Nancy York | County Commission |
11/03/1998 | DC | Mike Livingston | Delegate to U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | DC | Scott McClarty | City Council |
11/03/1998 | GA | Kerrie Dickson | State Labor Commissioner |
11/03/1998 | GA | Hugh Esco | Lieutenant Governor |
11/03/1998 | GA | Hugh Lovel | State Commissioner of Agriculture |
11/03/1998 | GA | Chuck O’Neil | Public Service Commission |
11/03/1998 | HI | Joe Bertram III | County Council |
11/03/1998 | HI | Julie Jacobson | County Council |
11/03/1998 | HI | Nick Nikhilananda | County Council |
11/03/1998 | HI | Ed Schlitt | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | HI | Lanny Sinkin | County Council |
11/03/1998 | HI | Rene Siracusa | County Council |
11/03/1998 | MA | Steven Elliot | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | ME | Pat LaMarche | Governor |
11/03/1998 | ME | Betsy Marsano | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | ME | Benjamin Meiklejohn | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | MN | Susan Jasper | Lieutenant Governor |
11/03/1998 | MN | Ken Pentel | Governor |
11/03/1998 | NJ | Fred Disque | Freeholder |
11/03/1998 | NJ | Madelyn Hoffman | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | NJ | Carl Mayer | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | NJ | Nick Mellis | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | NJ | Paul Williams | Freeholder |
11/03/1998 | NM | Geraldine J.M. Amato | County Sheriff |
11/03/1998 | NM | Robert Anderson | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | NM | Cliff Bain | Public Service Commissioner |
11/03/1998 | NM | Jeremy Brown | County Commission |
11/03/1998 | NM | Gary Clauss | County Commission |
11/03/1998 | NM | Richard Haley | State Auditor |
11/03/1998 | NM | Sam Hitt | Commissioner of Public Lands |
11/03/1998 | NM | Andrew Homer | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | NM | Damacio Lopez | Secretary of State |
11/03/1998 | NM | Carol Miller | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | NM | Terry Mulcahy | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | NM | Donald L. Thompson | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | NM | John A. ‘Jack’ Uhrich | County Commission |
11/03/1998 | NM | Robert E. West | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | NY | Martin Brech | County Executive |
11/03/1998 | NY | Alice Green | Lieutenant Governor |
11/03/1998 | NY | Howie Hawkins | State Comptroller |
11/03/1998 | NY | Joel Kovel | U.S. Senate |
11/03/1998 | NY | Al Lewis | Governor |
11/03/1998 | NY | Johann Moore | Attorney General |
11/03/1998 | NY | Craig Seeman | State Assembly |
11/03/1998 | NY | Julia Willebrand | State Senate |
11/03/1998 | NY | Tamara Zwinak | County Legislature |
11/03/1998 | OR | Blair Bobier | Governor |
11/03/1998 | OR | Michael Donnelly | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | OR | Karen Moskowitz | U.S. Senate |
11/03/1998 | PA | William M. Belitskus | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | PA | Larry Zalewski | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | RI | Jeff Johnson | Lieutenant Governor |
11/03/1998 | RI | Karen Johnson | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | RI | Joshua T. Mandelbaum | State Senate |
11/03/1998 | RI | William David Martin | State Senate |
11/03/1998 | TX | Susan Lee Solar | Governor |
11/03/1998 | WI | Jeff Peterson | State Treasurer |
11/03/1998 | WY | Bern Haggerty | City Council |
11/03/1998 | WY | John Hanks | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1998 | WY | Bill Smith | City Council |
06/23/1998 | NM | Robert Anderson | U.S. House of Representatives |
06/02/1998 | CA | Els Cooperrider | County Board of Supervisors |
06/02/1998 | CA | David Diehl | City Council |
06/02/1998 | CA | Joe Louis Hoffman | Board of Supervisors |
06/02/1998 | CA | Bill Patterson | County Board of Supervisors |
04/09/1998 | VA | Michael Key | City Council |
04/07/1998 | WI | William Anderson | County Board of Supervisors |
04/07/1998 | WI | Robert Browne | County Board of Supervisors |
04/07/1998 | WI | Bruce T. Ciskie | County Board of Supervisors |
04/07/1998 | WI | David Conley | County Board of Supervisors |
04/07/1998 | WI | Kathryn McKenzie | County Board of Supervisors |
04/07/1998 | WI | Robert Olsgard | County Board of Supervisors |
04/07/1998 | WI | Thomas Powell | County Board of Supervisors |
04/07/1998 | WI | Scott Tice | School Board |
04/07/1998 | WI | Echnaton Vedder | County Board of Supervisors |
04/02/1998 | CO | Krista Paradise | Town Board of Trustees |
03/10/1998 | CA | Kerry Arnett | City Council |
03/10/1998 | CA | William Bretz | Planning Group |
03/10/1998 | CA | Rainy Blue Cloud Greensfelder | City Council |
03/10/1998 | CA | Kip Krueger | Planning Board |
03/10/1998 | CA | Jeff Deford March | Planning Board |
03/10/1998 | CA | Jeanne Patton | Planning Board |
03/10/1998 | CA | Barrie Smith | Planning Board |
03/03/1998 | NM | Cris Moore | City Council |