This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.
Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed. (Updated September 25, 2024)
At least 150 Greens hold elected office as of July 1, 2024 — Greens have been elected at least 1518 times in history in the United States — and over 6800 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office.
2011 Stats
- 114 Races in 2011
- 20 States in 2011
- 30 Victories in 2011
114 Races in 2011
Election Date | State | Candidate | Office |
11/08/2011 | AZ | Beryl Baker | City Council |
11/08/2011 | AZ | Mary DeCamp | Mayor |
11/08/2011 | CA | Terry Baum | Mayor |
11/08/2011 | CA | Larry Bragman | Town Council |
11/08/2011 | CA | Matthew Clark | Sanitary District Board |
11/08/2011 | CA | Nanette Corley | Resort Improvement District |
11/08/2011 | CA | Rick Ernst | City Council |
11/08/2011 | CA | Sean Frame | Governing Board |
11/08/2011 | CA | William Hayes | Park and Recreation District |
11/08/2011 | CA | Brian Kline | School Board |
11/08/2011 | CA | Crispin Littlehales | Community Services District |
11/08/2011 | CA | Ryan O’Neil | Town Council |
11/08/2011 | CA | Robert Ovetz | School Board |
11/08/2011 | CA | Brian Lee Rencher | City Council |
11/08/2011 | CA | Jeffrey Dean Schwartz | School Board |
11/08/2011 | CO | Tanya Ishikawa | City Council |
11/08/2011 | CO | Thom Carnevale | Town Council |
11/08/2011 | CT | Jessica Cartagena | City Council |
11/08/2011 | CT | Dan Delventhal | Constable |
11/08/2011 | CT | Daphne Dixon | Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate |
11/08/2011 | CT | Mary Farrell | Board of Education |
11/08/2011 | CT | Mary Farrell | Constable |
11/08/2011 | CT | Kenric Hanson | City Council |
11/08/2011 | CT | Ben Holden | Selectman |
11/08/2011 | CT | Ruthann Johnson | Common Council |
11/08/2011 | CT | Douglas Lary | Board of Education |
11/08/2011 | CT | Hector Lopez | Constable |
11/08/2011 | CT | Mirna Martinez | Board of Education |
11/08/2011 | CT | Rolf Maurer | Constable |
11/08/2011 | CT | Leif Smith | Constable |
11/08/2011 | CT | Ronna Stuller | Board of Education |
11/08/2011 | CT | Joan Sullivan-Cooper | City Council |
11/08/2011 | MA | Rick Purcell | City Council |
11/08/2011 | MD | Douglas Armstrong | City Council |
11/08/2011 | MD | Bill Barry | City Council |
11/08/2011 | MD | Christine Nagle | City Council |
11/08/2011 | ME | John Eder | Mayor |
11/08/2011 | ME | David Marshall | Mayor |
11/08/2011 | ME | Josephine Okot | Board of Public Education |
11/08/2011 | ME | Pauline Out | Board of Public Education |
11/08/2011 | ME | John Safarik | Water District Board of Trustees |
11/08/2011 | MN | Johnny Howard | City Council |
11/08/2011 | MN | Jim Ivey | City Council |
11/08/2011 | MN | Devin Miller | School Board |
11/08/2011 | MN | Bee Kevin Xiong | City Council |
11/08/2011 | NJ | Michael Spector | General Assembly |
11/08/2011 | NJ | Steven Welzer | General Assembly |
11/08/2011 | NY | Robert Clemente | Mayor |
11/08/2011 | NY | Joseph Duffy | City Council |
11/08/2011 | NY | Howard Eagle | School Board of Trustees |
11/08/2011 | NY | Chris Edes | County Legislature |
11/08/2011 | NY | Stacie Porr Edick | Town Council |
11/08/2011 | NY | Joe Gajdosz | Town Council |
11/08/2011 | NY | Howie Hawkins | Common Council |
11/08/2011 | NY | Cecile Lawrence | County Legislature |
11/08/2011 | NY | Cesar Malaga | County Legislature |
11/08/2011 | NY | Roger McGill | Town Council |
11/08/2011 | NY | Suzanne Montalalou | County Legislature |
11/08/2011 | NY | Carol Omalyev | Town Board |
11/08/2011 | NY | John Roszman | Town Supervisor |
11/08/2011 | NY | Christine Shahin | County Legislature |
11/08/2011 | NY | Wallace Smith | School Board of Trustees |
11/08/2011 | NY | Alex White | City Council |
11/08/2011 | OH | Anita Rios | City Council |
11/08/2011 | PA | Cheri Honkala | Sheriff |
11/08/2011 | PA | Robert Piemme | Borough Council |
11/08/2011 | PA | Brian Rudnick | City Council |
11/08/2011 | PA | Jay Sweeney | Township Board of Supervisors |
11/08/2011 | PA | Michael Bagdes-Canning | Borough Council |
11/08/2011 | TX | Don Cook | City Council |
11/08/2011 | TX | Amy Price | City Council |
11/08/2011 | VA | Audrey Clement | County Board |
11/08/2011 | VA | Giannina Frantz | Soil and Water Conservation District |
11/08/2011 | VA | Ira Richards | Soil and Water Conservation District |
11/08/2011 | VA | Chris Simmons | Soil and Water Conservation District |
10/22/2011 | LA | Autumne Bankovic | Justice of the Peace |
10/18/2011 | MA | Mark Miller | State House of Representatives |
10/18/2011 | MN | Farheen Hakeem | State Senate |
10/04/2011 | WV | Bob Henry Baber | Governor |
09/13/2011 | NY | Gregory Horn | State Assembly |
09/13/2011 | OH | Sean Nestor | City Council |
08/30/2011 | AZ | Dave Croteau | Mayor |
05/24/2011 | NY | Ian Murphy | U.S. House of Representatives |
05/09/2011 | MA | David Spanagel | Town Moderator |
05/03/2011 | NY | Jason West | Mayor |
04/27/2011 | NJ | Gary Novosielski | Board of Education |
04/26/2011 | DC | Alan Page | City Council |
04/12/2011 | CT | Rolf Maurer | State House of Representatives |
04/07/2011 | CA | Joshua Scuteri | College Board of Trustees |
04/05/2011 | CA | Vahe Peroomian | College Board of Trustees |
04/05/2011 | IL | Steve Alesch | Park and Recreation District |
04/05/2011 | IL | Jessica Bradshaw | City Council |
04/05/2011 | IL | Don Crawford | Library Board |
04/05/2011 | IL | Michael Drennan | Park and Recreation Board |
04/05/2011 | IL | Rita Maniotis | School Board |
04/05/2011 | IL | Peter Schwartzman | City Council |
04/05/2011 | IL | Rob Sherman | Village Clerk |
04/05/2011 | IL | Toni Williams | School Board |
04/05/2011 | OK | Edward Shadid | City Council |
04/05/2011 | WI | Ron Hardy | Common Council |
04/05/2011 | WI | Tony Palmeri | Mayor |
04/05/2011 | WI | Bob Poeschl | Common Council |
04/05/2011 | WI | Marsha Rummel | Common Council |
03/29/2011 | MA | Vincent O’Connor | Redevelopment Authority |
03/29/2011 | NY | Alex White | Mayor |
03/12/2011 | ME | Jane Meisenbach | School Board |
03/08/2011 | CA | Gavin Glynn | City Council |
02/22/2011 | CT | Rolf Maurer | State Senate |
02/22/2011 | IL | Alberto Bocanegra | City Council |
02/22/2011 | IL | Matt Hawkins | City Council |
02/22/2011 | IL | Courtney Johnson | City Council |
02/22/2011 | IL | Matt Reichel | City Council |
02/22/2011 | IL | Devon Reid | City Council |
02/22/2011 | IL | Brent Ritzel | Mayor |