This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.
Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed. (Updated November 3, 2024)
At least 156 Greens hold elected office as of July 1, 2024 — Greens have been elected at least 1528 times in history in the United States — and over 6800 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office.
2006 Stats
- 387 Races in 2006
- 37 States in 2006
- 74 Victories in 2006
387 Races in 2006
Election Date | State | Candidate | Office |
11/07/2006 | AK | Mark Ames | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | AK | William Bartee | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | AK | David Braun | State Senate |
11/07/2006 | AK | Eva Ince | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | AK | David Massie | Governor |
11/07/2006 | AR | Michael J. Bolzenius | State Auditor |
11/07/2006 | AR | Brock Carpenter | State Treasurer |
11/07/2006 | AR | Rebekah Kennedy | Attorney General |
11/07/2006 | AR | David Lewis | Commissioner of State Lands |
11/07/2006 | AR | Ralph Scully | Secretary of State |
11/07/2006 | AZ | Tom Doran | School Board |
11/07/2006 | CA | Jon (Stevens) Mann | City Council |
11/07/2006 | CA | Aimee Allison | City Council |
11/07/2006 | CA | Mary Altmann | Water District Board of Directors |
11/07/2006 | CA | Gary Blenner | School Board of Trustees |
11/07/2006 | CA | William Bretz | Planning Group |
11/07/2006 | CA | Janice Brittain | City Council |
11/07/2006 | CA | Carol Brouillet | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | CA | Larry Cafiero | Insurance Commissioner |
11/07/2006 | CA | Peter Miguel Camejo | Governor |
11/07/2006 | CA | Howard Chong | Rent Stabilization Board |
11/07/2006 | CA | Todd Chretien | U.S. Senate |
11/07/2006 | CA | Ricardo Costa | State Assembly |
11/07/2006 | CA | Vicente Cruz II | School Board |
11/07/2006 | CA | Byron De Lear | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | CA | Emily Drennen | Transportation District |
11/07/2006 | CA | Alan Drusys | City Council |
11/07/2006 | CA | Pamela Elizondo | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | CA | Paul Franklin | School Board |
11/07/2006 | CA | Gerald Fritts | State Assembly |
11/07/2006 | CA | Herb Gura | School Board |
11/07/2006 | CA | Tian Harter | City Council |
11/07/2006 | CA | Barry Hermanson | State Assembly |
11/07/2006 | CA | Patricia Hiles | School Board |
11/07/2006 | CA | Forrest Hill | Secretary of State |
11/07/2006 | CA | Jim Jenkins | City Council |
11/07/2006 | CA | Ashley Jones | City Council |
11/07/2006 | CA | Rebecca Kaplan | Transit Board |
11/07/2006 | CA | Chris Kavanagh | Rent Stabilization Board |
11/07/2006 | CA | Krissy Keefer | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | CA | Jane Kim | Board of Education |
11/07/2006 | CA | Kim Knox | Board of Education |
11/07/2006 | CA | Jeff Kravitz | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | CA | Cecilia Larios | Town Clerk |
11/07/2006 | CA | Harry Martin | City Council |
11/07/2006 | CA | Gayle McLaughlin | Mayor |
11/07/2006 | CA | Dave Meserve | City Council |
11/07/2006 | CA | Cameron Miller | Water Conservation District Board |
11/07/2006 | CA | John Miller | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | CA | Merrilie Mitchell | City Council |
11/07/2006 | CA | DeOnne Noel | School Board |
11/07/2006 | CA | Bill Paparian | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | CA | Dana Quillman | City Council |
11/07/2006 | CA | Tiffany Renee | City Council |
11/07/2006 | CA | Mathew Rick | State Senate |
11/07/2006 | CA | John Rizzo | Community College District |
11/07/2006 | CA | Larry Robinson | City Council |
11/07/2006 | CA | Francisco Romero | City Council |
11/07/2006 | CA | Zachary Running Wolf | Mayor |
11/07/2006 | CA | Sandra Ventura Scott | School Board |
11/07/2006 | CA | David Minton Silva | State Assembly |
11/07/2006 | CA | Lauren Sinnott | City Council |
11/07/2006 | CA | Dona Spring | City Council |
11/07/2006 | CA | Lisa Stephens | Rent Stabilization Board |
11/07/2006 | CA | Mehul Thakker | State Treasurer |
11/07/2006 | CA | Peter Thottham | State Assembly |
11/07/2006 | CA | Robert Vizzard | State Senate |
11/07/2006 | CA | Donna Warren | Lieutenant Governor |
11/07/2006 | CA | Pam Webster | Rent Stabilization Board |
11/07/2006 | CA | Laura Wells | State Controller |
11/07/2006 | CA | Bruce Wolfe | Community College District |
11/07/2006 | CA | Cat Woods | State Assembly |
11/07/2006 | CA | Mike Wyman | Attorney General |
11/07/2006 | CA | Carolyn Dixon | Governing School Board Member |
11/07/2006 | CA | Jim Smith | School Board of Trustees |
11/07/2006 | CO | Tom Babbidge | State Assembly |
11/07/2006 | CO | J.A. Calhoun | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | CO | Dave Chandler | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | CO | Tom Kelly | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | CO | Doug Malkan | County Board of Commissioners |
11/07/2006 | CT | David Bedell | State Senate |
11/07/2006 | CT | David Bedell | Judge of Probate |
11/07/2006 | CT | Colin Bennett | State Senate |
11/07/2006 | CT | Colin Bennett | State Comptroller |
11/07/2006 | CT | David Bue | State Treasurer |
11/07/2006 | CT | Nancy Burton | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | CT | Nancy Burton | Attorney General |
11/07/2006 | CT | Jean de Smet | Lieutenant Governor |
11/07/2006 | CT | Mike DeRosa | Secretary of State |
11/07/2006 | CT | Ralph Ferrucci | U.S. Senate |
11/07/2006 | CT | Matt Loter | Board of Education |
11/07/2006 | CT | Robert Pandolfo | State Senate |
11/07/2006 | CT | Nina Sherwood | Board of Education |
11/07/2006 | CT | Daniel Sumrall | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | CT | Cliff Thornton | Governor |
11/07/2006 | DC | Marc Borbely | State Board of Education |
11/07/2006 | DC | David Bosserman | Advisory Neighborhood Commission |
11/07/2006 | DC | Renee Bowser | Advisory Neighborhood Commission |
11/07/2006 | DC | Wesley Hickman | Advisory Neighborhood Commission |
11/07/2006 | DC | Alex Hogan | Advisory Neighborhood Commission |
11/07/2006 | DC | Nate Mathews | Advisory Neighborhood Commission |
11/07/2006 | DC | Chris Otten | Mayor |
11/07/2006 | DC | Joyce Robinson-Paul | U.S. Senate |
11/07/2006 | DC | Laurent Ross | State Board of Education |
11/07/2006 | DC | Nancy Shia | Advisory Neighborhood Commission |
11/07/2006 | DC | Jamil Shoatz | Advisory Neighborhood Commission |
11/07/2006 | DC | Carolyn Steptoe | City Council |
11/07/2006 | DC | Rick Tingling-Clemmons | Advisory Neighborhood Commission |
11/07/2006 | DC | Keith Ware | Delegate to U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | DC | Bryan Weaver | Advisory Neighborhood Commission |
11/07/2006 | DC | Ann Wilcox | City Council |
11/07/2006 | DC | Jane Zara | Advisory Neighborhood Commission |
11/07/2006 | DE | Michael Berg | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | FL | Brian Becker | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | FL | Tammy Harmon | Soil and Water Conservation District |
11/07/2006 | FL | Mike Henkel | City Commission |
11/07/2006 | FL | Brian Moore | U.S. Senate |
11/07/2006 | HI | Jim Brewer | Governor |
11/07/2006 | HI | Frank DeGiacomo | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | HI | Renee Ing | Lieutenant Governor |
11/07/2006 | IA | Wendy Barth | Governor |
11/07/2006 | IA | Richard Johnson | Lieutenant Governor |
11/07/2006 | IA | Kevin Lee | Township Trustee |
11/07/2006 | IL | Tom Abram | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | IL | David Black | Attorney General |
11/07/2006 | IL | Dorian Breuer | State Senate |
11/07/2006 | IL | Joe Futrelle | County Board |
11/07/2006 | IL | Nathan Paul Helsabeck | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | IL | Charles Howe | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | IL | Phil Huckelberry | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | IL | Bradley Klein | County Board |
11/07/2006 | IL | Nick Mann | County Board |
11/07/2006 | IL | Dan Rodriguez Schlorff | State Treasurer |
11/07/2006 | IL | Julie Samuels | Lieutenant Governor |
11/07/2006 | IL | Alicia Snyder | State Comptroller |
11/07/2006 | IL | Jennifer Vaughn | County Board |
11/07/2006 | IL | Rich Whitney | Governor |
11/07/2006 | IL | Konstantinas Yfantis | County Board |
11/07/2006 | IL | Karen Young | Secretary of State |
11/07/2006 | IN | Bill Stant | Secretary of State |
11/07/2006 | MA | Owen Broadhurst | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | MA | George Bryant | County Assembly |
11/07/2006 | MA | Jamie O’Keefe | State Treasurer |
11/07/2006 | MA | Martina Robinson | Lieutenant Governor |
11/07/2006 | MA | Grace Ross | Governor |
11/07/2006 | MA | Jill Stein | Secretary of the Commonwealth |
11/07/2006 | MA | Dion C. Robbins-Zust | Senator in General Court |
11/07/2006 | MD | Maria Allwine | State Senate |
11/07/2006 | MD | Bob Auerbach | State Comptroller |
11/07/2006 | MD | Brandy Baker | House of Delegates |
11/07/2006 | MD | Brian Bittner | County Council |
11/07/2006 | MD | Eddie Boyd | Governor |
11/07/2006 | MD | Jan Danforth | House of Delegates |
11/07/2006 | MD | Kim Fell | House of Delegates |
11/07/2006 | MD | Gerard Giblin | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | MD | Dave Goldsmith | House of Delegates |
11/07/2006 | MD | David Greene | House of Delegates |
11/07/2006 | MD | Gary Hull | Town Council |
11/07/2006 | MD | David Kiasi | House of Delegates |
11/07/2006 | MD | Robert Kozak | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | MD | James Madigan | Lieutenant Governor |
11/07/2006 | MD | Richard Ochs | House of Delegates |
11/07/2006 | MD | Joseph Sanchez | House of Delegates |
11/07/2006 | MD | Robb Tufts | County Council |
11/07/2006 | MD | Steve Warner | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | MD | Kevin Zeese | U.S. Senate |
11/07/2006 | ME | Kevin Donoghue | City Council |
11/07/2006 | ME | John Eder | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | ME | Christina Feller | City Council |
11/07/2006 | ME | David Frans | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | ME | Kevin Gardella | School Committee |
11/07/2006 | ME | David Homa | Town Council |
11/07/2006 | ME | William Laidley | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | ME | Pat LaMarche | Governor |
11/07/2006 | ME | Keith Louis | State Senate |
11/07/2006 | ME | David Margolis-Pineo | Water District Board of Trustees |
11/07/2006 | ME | David Marshall | City Council |
11/07/2006 | ME | Benjamin Meiklejohn | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | ME | Rebecca Minnick | Board of Education |
11/07/2006 | ME | Murrough O’Brien | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | ME | Kelsey Perchinski | State Senate |
11/07/2006 | ME | Matthew Reading | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | ME | John Safarik | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | ME | Stephen Spring | Board of Education |
11/07/2006 | ME | Leo Tallarico | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | MI | Matthew Abel | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | MI | Douglas Campbell | Governor |
11/07/2006 | MI | Kevin Carey | State Board of Education |
11/07/2006 | MI | Candace Caveny | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | MI | Lloyd Clarke | State Senate |
11/07/2006 | MI | Derek Grigsby | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | MI | Rodger Gurk | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | MI | Margaret Guttshall | University Board of Governors |
11/07/2006 | MI | Kristen Hamel | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | MI | Richard Kuszmar | State Senate |
11/07/2006 | MI | Ken Mathenia | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | MI | Kyle McBee | State Senate |
11/07/2006 | MI | Lynn Meadows | Secretary of State |
11/07/2006 | MI | Michael Merriweather | University Board of Governors |
11/07/2006 | MI | Edward Morin | University Board of Regents |
11/07/2006 | MI | Arthur Myatt | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | MI | David Newland | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | MI | William Opalicky | State Senate |
11/07/2006 | MI | Pete Schermerhorn | City Council |
11/07/2006 | MI | David Frank Skrbina | Lieutenant Governor |
11/07/2006 | MI | Aimee Smith | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | MI | David Sole | U.S. Senate |
11/07/2006 | MI | Lauren Elizabeth Spencer | University Board of Trustees |
11/07/2006 | MI | Aaron Stuttman | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | MI | Pete Van Jr. | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | MI | Fred Vitale | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | MI | James Wolbrink | State Senate |
11/07/2006 | MI | Jacob Woods | State Board of Education |
11/07/2006 | MN | Dave Berger | State Auditor |
11/07/2006 | MN | Michael Cavlan | U.S. Senate |
11/07/2006 | MN | Farheen Hakeem | County Commissioner |
11/07/2006 | MN | John Kolstad | Attorney General |
11/07/2006 | MN | John Loban | Soil and Water Conservation District |
11/07/2006 | MN | Jesse Mortenson | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | MN | Vic Ormsby | Soil and Water Conservation District |
11/07/2006 | MN | Ken Pentel | Governor |
11/07/2006 | MN | Jay Pond | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | MN | Danene Provencher | Lieutenant Governor |
11/07/2006 | MN | Julie Risser | State Senate |
11/07/2006 | MN | Cory Rubin | City Council |
11/07/2006 | MN | Leroy Schaffer | City Council |
11/07/2006 | MN | Dwayne Voegeli | County Commission |
11/07/2006 | MN | Phil Wilke | Soil and Water Conservation District |
11/07/2006 | MO | Terry Bunker | State Auditor |
11/07/2006 | MO | William Hastings | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | MO | Melinda Ivey | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | MO | Lydia Lewis | U.S. Senate |
11/07/2006 | MO | David Sladky | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | MO | Shirley Yurkonis | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | NE | Steve Larrick | Natural Resources District |
11/07/2006 | NE | Steve Larrick | State Auditor of Public Accounts |
11/07/2006 | NE | Doug Paterson | Secretary of State |
11/07/2006 | NJ | Paula Ellentuch | County Clerk |
11/07/2006 | NM | David Bacon | Public Regulation Commission |
11/07/2006 | NM | Cynthia Morrison | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | NM | Donald L. Thompson | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | NV | Craig Bergland | Governor |
11/07/2006 | NY | Trevor Archer | State Assembly |
11/07/2006 | NY | Alison Duncan | Lieutenant Governor |
11/07/2006 | NY | Howie Hawkins | U.S. Senate |
11/07/2006 | NY | Malachy McCourt | Governor |
11/07/2006 | NY | Edgar Rodriguez | Board of Education |
11/07/2006 | NY | Rachel Treichler | Attorney General |
11/07/2006 | NY | Julia Willebrand | State Comptroller |
11/07/2006 | OH | Bob Fitrakis | Governor |
11/07/2006 | OH | David Kovacs | State Board of Education |
11/07/2006 | OH | Logan Martinez | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | OH | Anita Rios | Lieutenant Governor |
11/07/2006 | OK | James Branum | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | OR | Paul Aranas | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | OR | Michael Beilstein | City Council |
11/07/2006 | OR | Mark Camara | City Council |
11/07/2006 | OR | Jeff Cropp | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | OR | Neil Friedman | City Council |
11/07/2006 | OR | George Grosch | City Council |
11/07/2006 | OR | Alice Hardesty | City Council |
11/07/2006 | OR | Paul Loney | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | OR | Eric Navickas | City Council |
11/07/2006 | OR | Yohanna Storm | City Recorder |
11/07/2006 | OR | John Stromberg | City Council |
11/07/2006 | PA | Greta Browne | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | PA | Traci Confer | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | PA | Edward Gately, Sr. | State Senate |
11/07/2006 | PA | Guy Gray | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | PA | Katrina Heycock | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | PA | Christopher Irvin | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | PA | Dodie Lovett | House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | PA | Derf Maitland | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | PA | Thom Marti | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | PA | Titus North | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | PA | Tim Reim | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | PA | Mike Rosenberg | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | PA | Lynn Smallwood | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | PA | Jay Sweeney | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | RI | Jeff Toste | State Senate |
11/07/2006 | SC | Jim Dunn | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | SC | Arnold Karr | State Superintendent of Education |
11/07/2006 | SC | Nammu Muhammad | County Council |
11/07/2006 | SC | C. Faye Walters | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | SC | Antonio Williams | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | TN | Katey Culver | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | TN | Christina (Chris) Lugo | U.S. Senate |
11/07/2006 | TN | Robert Smith | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | TN | Howard Switzer | Governor |
11/07/2006 | TX | Annalisa Peace | Aquifer Authority Board |
11/07/2006 | TX | Enrique Valdivia | Aquifer Authority Board |
11/07/2006 | TX | Charles Waterbury | State Supreme Court |
11/07/2006 | TX | George Rice | Aquifer Authority Board |
11/07/2006 | TX | Stephen Colley | Aquifer Authority Board |
11/07/2006 | UT | Kathy Dopp | County Clerk |
11/07/2006 | UT | Julian Hatch | U.S. Senate |
11/07/2006 | UT | Tom King | State House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | UT | Deanna Taylor | County Council |
11/07/2006 | UT | Chuck Tripp | County Council |
11/07/2006 | UT | Bob Brister | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | VA | Josh Ruebner | County Board |
11/07/2006 | VT | Owen Mulligan | Inspector of Elections |
11/07/2006 | WA | Dan Asher | Community Council |
11/07/2006 | WA | Aaron Dixon | U.S. Senate |
11/07/2006 | WA | Steve Garrison | Public Utility District |
11/07/2006 | WI | Jill Bussiere | State Senate |
11/07/2006 | WI | Nelson Eisman | Governor |
11/07/2006 | WI | Larry Harding | State Assembly |
11/07/2006 | WI | Michael LaForrest | Secretary of State |
11/07/2006 | WI | Bob Levis | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | WI | Mike Miles | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/07/2006 | WI | Winston Sephus Jr. | State Treasurer |
11/07/2006 | WI | Gerry Steltenpohl | County Board of Supervisors |
11/07/2006 | WI | Leon Todd | Lieutenant Governor |
11/07/2006 | WI | Claude VanderVeen | State Senate |
11/07/2006 | WI | Rae Vogeler | U.S. Senate |
11/06/2006 | NY | Joseph DeMare | State Assembly |
11/06/2006 | OH | Tim Kettler | Secretary of State |
11/06/2006 | OR | Joe Keating | Governor |
11/06/2006 | OR | Ed Winslow | Governor |
11/06/2006 | PA | Dave Baker | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/06/2006 | PA | Eric Wolfe | State House of Representatives |
11/06/2006 | VT | Craig Hill | U.S. Senate |
11/06/2006 | VT | Jim Hogue | Governor |
11/06/2006 | VT | Bruce Marshall | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/06/2006 | VT | Sean Starfighter | Inspector of Elections |
10/03/2006 | AK | Mark Ames | Borough Assembly |
10/03/2006 | AK | Mike Musick | Borough Assembly |
09/23/2006 | HI | Bob Jacobson | County Council |
09/23/2006 | HI | Nick Nikhilananda | County Council |
09/12/2006 | CA | Ginny-Marie Case | Neighborhood Council |
09/12/2006 | DC | Philip Blair, Jr. | City Council |
09/05/2006 | FL | Kim O’Connor | Mayor |
08/03/2006 | TN | Martin Pleasant | County Commissioner |
06/22/2006 | CA | Jeffrey Horne | Neighborhood Council |
06/13/2006 | AR | Jim Lendall | Governor |
06/12/2006 | CA | John Stinson | Neighborhood Council |
06/06/2006 | CA | Aimee Allison | City Council |
06/06/2006 | CA | Jo Chamberlain | County Board of Supervisors |
06/06/2006 | CA | Els Cooperrider | County Board of Supervisors |
06/06/2006 | CA | Tim Fitzgerald | Mayor |
06/06/2006 | CA | Bruce Frohman | County Board of Supervisors |
06/06/2006 | CA | Tian Harter | U.S. Senate |
06/06/2006 | CA | Sarah Knopp | State Superintendent of Public Instruction |
06/06/2006 | CA | Philip Koebel | State Assembly |
06/06/2006 | CA | Dennis Kyne | City Council |
06/06/2006 | CA | Kent Mesplay | U.S. Senate |
06/06/2006 | CA | Robert Roy | City Council |
06/06/2006 | CA | Gabrielle Weeks | City Council |
05/16/2006 | MA | Nat Fortune | School Committee |
05/16/2006 | OR | Chris Iverson | City Council |
05/16/2006 | OR | Alexander Patterson | County Commission |
05/15/2006 | MA | Martina Robinson | Board of Selectman |
05/13/2006 | TX | Colin Kalmbacher | City Council |
05/02/2006 | VA | Don Langrehr | Mayor |
04/20/2006 | AK | Della Coburn | Tribal Council |
04/09/2006 | CA | Harold Bock | Neighborhood Council |
04/04/2006 | CO | Scott Chaplin | Town Board of Trustees |
04/04/2006 | CO | Matt Keefauver | Town Council |
04/04/2006 | CO | David Long | Town Council |
04/04/2006 | CO | Wendy Mimiaga | Town Board |
04/04/2006 | MA | Robert Crowner | Town Meeting Member |
04/04/2006 | MA | Miriam Dayton | Town Meeting Member |
04/04/2006 | MA | Eleanor Manire-Gatti | Town Meeting Member |
04/04/2006 | SC | Antonio Williams | City Council |
04/04/2006 | WI | Robert Browne | County Board of Supervisors |
04/04/2006 | WI | David Conley | County Board of Supervisors |
04/04/2006 | WI | Ben Farrell | County Board of Supervisors |
04/04/2006 | WI | Rev. Glen Halbe | Common Council |
04/04/2006 | WI | John Hardin | County Board of Supervisors |
04/04/2006 | WI | Larry Harding | Township Board of Supervisors |
04/04/2006 | WI | John Hendrick | County Board of Supervisors |
04/04/2006 | WI | Ashok Kumar | County Board of Supervisors |
04/04/2006 | WI | Kathryn McKenzie | County Board of Supervisors |
04/04/2006 | WI | Jeff Peterson | County Board of Supervisors |
04/04/2006 | WI | Phillip Peterson | County Board of Supervisors |
04/04/2006 | WI | John Rendall | County Board of Supervisors |
04/04/2006 | WI | Taku Ronsman | Common Council |
04/04/2006 | WI | Robert Ryan | County Board of Supervisors |
04/04/2006 | WI | Barbara Vedder | County Board of Supervisors |
03/28/2006 | FL | Cara Jennings | City Commission |
03/14/2006 | PA | Traci Confer | State House of Representatives |
03/14/2006 | PA | Jason Phillips | City Council |
03/07/2006 | OK | Bob Waldrop | Mayor |
03/07/2006 | VT | Loyal Ploof | Mayor |
02/28/2006 | MI | Ellis Boal | County Board of Commissioners |
02/28/2006 | WI | Stephen Kalmar II | Village Board of Trustees |