This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.
Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed.
At least 160 Greens hold elected office as of the November 2024 elections — Greens have been elected at least 1582 times in history in the United States — and over 6900 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office. (Updated December 16, 2024)
1992 Stats
- 93 Races in 1992
- 13 States in 1992
- 19 Victories in 1992
93 Races in 1992
Election Date | State | Candidate | Office |
11/03/1992 | AK | Gary Pearson | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | AK | David Stannard | State Senate |
11/03/1992 | AK | Benn Levine | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | AK | Kelly Weaverling | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | AK | Timothy Feller | State Senate |
11/03/1992 | AK | Mike Milligan | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | AK | Bumpo Bremmicker | Borough Assembly |
11/03/1992 | AK | Mary Jordan | U.S. Senate |
11/03/1992 | AR | Stephen Miller | City Council |
11/03/1992 | AZ | Jack Strasburg | County Board of Supervisors |
11/03/1992 | AZ | Jesse Chanley | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | AZ | Carolyn Campbell | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | AZ | Richard Doule | Board of Education |
11/03/1992 | AZ | Mike McNally | State Senate |
11/03/1992 | AZ | Melissa Usrey | Board of Education |
11/03/1992 | AZ | David Perkins | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | CA | Lois Humphreys | Wastewater District |
11/03/1992 | CA | Walt Sheasby | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | CA | Steve Saint | City Council |
11/03/1992 | CA | Richard Hobbs | Community College District Board of Trustees |
11/03/1992 | CA | Paul Herzog | City Council |
11/03/1992 | CA | Tian Harter | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | CA | Robin Rutherford | Water Board |
11/03/1992 | CA | Mindy Lorenz | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | CA | Christine Malan | Park and Recreation District |
11/03/1992 | CA | Brenda Ferris | Water Board |
11/03/1992 | CA | Richard Roe | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | CA | Kathryn McColl-Hawkins | Conservation District |
11/03/1992 | CA | Margene McGee | State Assembly |
11/03/1992 | CA | Timothy Moore | Planning Group |
11/03/1992 | CA | Jesse Moorman | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | CA | Robert Raven | Board of Education |
11/03/1992 | CA | Richard Nieman | Park and Recreation District |
11/03/1992 | CA | Gary Orthuber | City Council |
11/03/1992 | CA | Richard Greene | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | CA | Patricia Akers | Planning Group |
11/03/1992 | CA | Cynthia Allaire | State Assembly |
11/03/1992 | CA | Glenn Bailey | State Assembly |
11/03/1992 | CA | Susan Wolfe-Fleming | Board of Education |
11/03/1992 | CA | Charles Wilken | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | CA | John Beall | Resource Conservation District |
11/03/1992 | CA | Nancy Bernardi | Resource Conservation District |
11/03/1992 | CA | Barry Bisson | City Council |
11/03/1992 | CA | David Tarr | Water Board |
11/03/1992 | CA | Blase Bonpane | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | CA | Robert Brown | County Board of Supervisors |
11/03/1992 | CA | Dan Tarr | State Assembly |
11/03/1992 | CA | Dan Tarr | Planning Group |
11/03/1992 | CA | Barbara Carr | Board of Education |
11/03/1992 | CA | Dona Spring | City Council |
11/03/1992 | CA | Joseph ‘Joe’ Desist | State Assembly |
11/03/1992 | CA | Kent Smith | State Senate |
11/03/1992 | CA | Alan Drusys | City Council |
11/03/1992 | CA | Richard Geiselhart | State Assembly |
11/03/1992 | CA | Carol Skiljan | Board of Education |
11/03/1992 | FL | Barbara Rodgers-Hendricks | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | HI | Ellen Takazawa | County Council |
11/03/1992 | HI | Jason Schwartz | County Council |
11/03/1992 | HI | Sally Reisbeck | County Council |
11/03/1992 | HI | Jeff Alexander | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | HI | Edwina Wong | State Senate |
11/03/1992 | HI | Kristine Kubat | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | HI | Jack Davis | County Mayor |
11/03/1992 | HI | Connie Chun | County Council |
11/03/1992 | HI | Chris Cackley | County Council |
11/03/1992 | HI | Keiko Bonk | County Council |
11/03/1992 | HI | Joe Bertram III | County Council |
11/03/1992 | HI | Linda Martin | U.S. Senate |
11/03/1992 | HI | Jack Morse | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | HI | Lynn Nakkim | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | HI | Nick Nikhilananda | County Council |
11/03/1992 | HI | Victor Bailey | County Council |
11/03/1992 | HI | Gary Kent Andersen | State Senate |
11/03/1992 | ME | Jonathan Carter | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | MN | Debbie Ortman | City Council |
11/03/1992 | MO | Jeff Barrow | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | MO | Delmyra Quarles | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | NC | Mark Marcopolos | Board of County Commissioners |
11/03/1992 | NM | Andres Vargas | District Attorney |
11/03/1992 | NM | Abraham Guttman | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | RI | Susan Sklar | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | RI | Tom Shola | State House of Representatives |
11/03/1992 | RI | Graham Schwass | State Senate |
11/03/1992 | RI | John Martin | State Senate |
06/02/1992 | CA | Roger Donaldson | State Assembly |
06/02/1992 | CA | Frank Kahl | City Council |
06/02/1992 | CA | Glenn Bailey | State Senate |
06/02/1992 | CA | Julie Partansky | City Council |
05/14/1992 | CA | Larry Norry | City Council |
04/07/1992 | WI | David Conley | County Board of Supervisors |
04/07/1992 | WI | David Skrupky | County Commission |
04/07/1992 | WI | Robert Browne | County Board of Supervisors |
04/07/1992 | WI | Frank Koehn | County Board of Supervisors |