This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.
Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed.
At least 160 Greens hold elected office as of the November 2024 elections — Greens have been elected at least 1582 times in history in the United States — and over 6900 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office. (Updated December 16, 2024)
2016 Stats
- 325 Races in 2016
- 31 States in 2016
- 56 Victories in 2016
325 Races in 2016
Election Date | State | Candidate | Office |
11/08/2016 | AR | Sarah Marsh | City Council |
11/08/2016 | AZ | Beryl Baker | Constable Justice |
11/08/2016 | AZ | Martin Bastidas | County Board of Supervisors |
11/08/2016 | AZ | Leo Biasiucci | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | AZ | Mike Cease | County Recorder |
11/08/2016 | AZ | Edward ‘Trey’ Cizek | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | AZ | Haryaksha Gregor Knauer | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | AZ | Nancy Knox-Bierman | Justice of the Peace |
11/08/2016 | AZ | Linda Macias | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | AZ | Ray Parrish | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | AZ | Joshua Reilly | County Board of Supervisors |
11/08/2016 | AZ | Mark Salazar | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | AZ | Gary Swing | U.S. Senate |
11/08/2016 | AZ | Angel Torres | State Senate |
11/08/2016 | AZ | Cara Nicole Trujillo | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | AZ | Cyndi Tuell | County Attorney |
11/08/2016 | AZ | Neil Westbrooks | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | AZ | Cary Dolego | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | CA | Jon (Stevens) Mann | City Council |
11/08/2016 | CA | Alfonso Almendariz | City Council |
11/08/2016 | CA | Jennifer Baker | College Board of Trustees |
11/08/2016 | CA | Ruscal Cayangyang | Board of Education |
11/08/2016 | CA | Matthew Clark | Community Services District |
11/08/2016 | CA | Ian Daelucian | City Council |
11/08/2016 | CA | Bruce Delgado | Mayor |
11/08/2016 | CA | Bridget Duffy | City Council |
11/08/2016 | CA | Laura Gonzalez | Governing Board Member |
11/08/2016 | CA | Rex Gressett | City Council |
11/08/2016 | CA | Francisco Herrera | County Board of Supervisors |
11/08/2016 | CA | Bastiaan Hoeks | Community Services District |
11/08/2016 | CA | Jane Jarlsberg | City Council |
11/08/2016 | CA | Jason Jones | Governing Board Member |
11/08/2016 | CA | Bryan Kretsch | Port District |
11/08/2016 | CA | Mercedes Macias | City Council |
11/08/2016 | CA | Jordan Mack | City Council |
11/08/2016 | CA | Don Macleay | School Board |
11/08/2016 | CA | Jackie Martenson | City Council |
11/08/2016 | CA | Randy Marx | Water District Board of Directors |
11/08/2016 | CA | Scott Menzies | City Council |
11/08/2016 | CA | Jesse Ornelas | City Council |
11/08/2016 | CA | Laura Peters | Irrigation District Board |
11/08/2016 | CA | Kimberly Ann Petersen | Board of Education |
11/08/2016 | CA | Paul Pitino | City Council |
11/08/2016 | CA | John Abraham Abe Powell | Fire Protection District |
11/08/2016 | CA | Jane Rands | City Council |
11/08/2016 | CA | Brian Lee Rencher | City Council |
11/08/2016 | CA | James Rhodes | Beach Recreation District |
11/08/2016 | CA | Brian Ring | City Council |
11/08/2016 | CA | Valerie Rose-Campbell | City Council |
11/08/2016 | CA | Mende Smith | City Council |
11/08/2016 | CA | Susan Sonne | City Council |
11/08/2016 | CA | Angel VanStark | City Council |
11/08/2016 | CA | Jack Wagner | City Council |
11/08/2016 | CA | Howard Wu | City Council |
11/08/2016 | CA | Gwyan Rhabyt | School Board of Trustees |
11/08/2016 | CO | Jenice Dove | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | CO | Arn Menconi | U.S. Senate |
11/08/2016 | CO | Robert Lee Worthey | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | CT | Eumir Antonio Abela | Board of Education |
11/08/2016 | CT | John Amarilios | Registrar of Voters |
11/08/2016 | CT | Ian Barron | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | CT | Barbara Barry | State Senate |
11/08/2016 | CT | David Bedell | State Senate |
11/08/2016 | CT | Colin Bennett | State Senate |
11/08/2016 | CT | Colin Bennett | Registrar of Voters |
11/08/2016 | CT | Angela Capinera | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | CT | Cynthia Day | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | CT | Mike DeRosa | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | CT | Edward Heflin | State Senate |
11/08/2016 | CT | Martha Kelly | State Senate |
11/08/2016 | CT | Martha Kelly | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | CT | Hector Lopez | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | CT | Rolf Maurer | Registrar of Voters |
11/08/2016 | CT | Brian Merlen | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | CT | Stephen Miller | Registrar of Voters |
11/08/2016 | CT | Dagmar Noll | Registrar of Voters |
11/08/2016 | CT | Jonathan Pelto | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | CT | Jeff Russell | U.S. Senate |
11/08/2016 | CT | Cora Santaguida | State Senate |
11/08/2016 | CT | Lauren Shaw | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | CT | Ronna Stuller | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | CT | Bonnie Troy | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | CT | Matt Went | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | DC | G. Lee Aikin | City Council |
11/08/2016 | DC | Perry Redd | Advisory Neighborhood Commission |
11/08/2016 | DC | Natale ‘Lino’ Stracuzzi | Delegate to U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | DE | Bernard August | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | DE | David Chandler | State Senate |
11/08/2016 | DE | Alexander Durnan | County Council |
11/08/2016 | DE | Andrew Groff | Governor |
11/08/2016 | DE | Ruth Ann James | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | DE | David McCorquodale | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | DE | Mark Perri | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | FL | Oliver Kofoid | Mosquito Control Board |
11/08/2016 | FL | Kim O’Connor | Soil and Water Conservation District |
11/08/2016 | HI | Nick Nikhilananda | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | HI | Kealoha Pisciotta | State Senate |
11/08/2016 | IL | Christopher Anthony | Water Reclamation District |
11/08/2016 | IL | Randy Auxier | County Board |
11/08/2016 | IL | Paula Bradshaw | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | IL | Tim Curtin | State Comptroller |
11/08/2016 | IL | Charles Howe | County Board |
11/08/2016 | IL | George Milkowski | Water Reclamation District |
11/08/2016 | IL | Karen Roothaan | Water Reclamation District |
11/08/2016 | IL | Rob Sherman | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | IL | Michael Smith | Water Reclamation District |
11/08/2016 | IL | Scott Summers | U.S. Senate |
11/08/2016 | IL | Rich Whitney | County Board |
11/08/2016 | KY | Don Ellis | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | LA | Eliot Barron | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | LA | Chad Franklin Springer | Town Council |
11/08/2016 | MA | Charlene DiCalogero | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MA | Daniel Factor | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MD | Kamesha Clark | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MD | Nnabu Eze | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MD | Margaret Flowers | U.S. Senate |
11/08/2016 | MD | Jamie Frierson | City Council |
11/08/2016 | MD | George Gluck | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MD | Joshua Harris | Mayor |
11/08/2016 | MD | Myles Hoenig | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MD | Amanda Maminski | City Council |
11/08/2016 | MD | Connor Meek | City Council |
11/08/2016 | MD | Ian Schlakman | City Council |
11/08/2016 | MD | Anthony ‘Spilly’ Spiiadis | City Council |
11/08/2016 | MD | Nancy Wallace | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MD | Richard T. White | City Council |
11/08/2016 | ME | Seth Baker | State Senate |
11/08/2016 | ME | Anna Trevorrow | Board of Education |
11/08/2016 | MI | Michael Anderson | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MI | Veda Bella | County Board of Commissioners |
11/08/2016 | MI | Korine Blyveis | Township Clerk |
11/08/2016 | MI | Ellis Boal | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MI | Celeste Bondie | County Board of Commissioners |
11/08/2016 | MI | Eric Borregard | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MI | Matthew A. Brady | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MI | Deena Marie Bruderick | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MI | Dylan Calewarts | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MI | Stuart Collis | Park Commission |
11/08/2016 | MI | Dan Finn | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MI | Maria Green | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MI | Derek Grigsby | State Board of Education |
11/08/2016 | MI | Margaret Guttshall | University Board of Governors |
11/08/2016 | MI | John Anthony La Pietra | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MI | Artelia Marie Leak | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MI | Tom Mair | County Board of Commissioners |
11/08/2016 | MI | John McDermott | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MI | Shauna McNally | Park Commission |
11/08/2016 | MI | Harley Mikkelson | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MI | Benjamin Nofs | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MI | Latham Redding | University Board of Regents |
11/08/2016 | MI | Wade Roberts | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MI | Jordan Salvi | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MI | Fran Shor | University Board of Governors |
11/08/2016 | MI | Eric Siegel | Community College District |
11/08/2016 | MI | Marcia Squier | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MI | Joseph Stevens | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MI | Jesse Torres | Parks and Recreation Board |
11/08/2016 | MI | Wayne Vermilya | County Board of Commissioners |
11/08/2016 | MI | Sherry A. Wells | State Board of Education |
11/08/2016 | MI | Will Tyler White | University Board of Trustees |
11/08/2016 | MI | Cliff Yankovich | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MN | Gabe Barnett | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MN | Dennis Barsness | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MN | Lena Buggs | Soil and Water Conservation District |
11/08/2016 | MN | Ianni Houmas | Soil and Water Conservation District |
11/08/2016 | MN | AJ Janssen | City Council |
11/08/2016 | MN | Steve Laitinen | Soil and Water Conservation District |
11/08/2016 | MN | Sharon LeMay | Soil and Water Conservation District |
11/08/2016 | MN | Doug Mann | Board of Education |
11/08/2016 | MN | Wayne Pauluk | County Commissioner |
11/08/2016 | MN | Mel Thoresen | Soil and Water Conservation District |
11/08/2016 | MN | Janice Ward | Soil and Water Conservation District |
11/08/2016 | MO | David Arnold | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MO | Jerome Bauer | City Treasurer |
11/08/2016 | MO | Robert Debbaut | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MO | Mike Diel | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MO | Valorie Engholm | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MO | Teressa Ezell | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MO | Don Fitz | Governor |
11/08/2016 | MO | Tim Hammack | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MO | Carol Hexem | State Treasurer |
11/08/2016 | MO | Jennifer Leach | Lieutenant Governor |
11/08/2016 | MO | Stacy Lindgren | County Executive |
11/08/2016 | MO | Jonathan McFarland | U.S. Senate |
11/08/2016 | MO | Ellen Skiljan | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | MO | Edward Weissler | State Senate |
11/08/2016 | NJ | Gary Frazier | City Council |
11/08/2016 | NJ | Erika Jacho | Board of Education |
11/08/2016 | NJ | Rajit Malliah | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | NJ | Steven Welzer | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | NY | Deyva Arthur | State Senate |
11/08/2016 | NY | Henry (Hank) Bardel | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | NY | Robin Barkenhagen | State Assembly |
11/08/2016 | NY | Donal Butterfield | State Assembly |
11/08/2016 | NY | Manny Cavaco | State Assembly |
11/08/2016 | NY | Patrick Dwyer | State Assembly |
11/08/2016 | NY | Frank Sha Francois | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | NY | Matt Funiciello | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | NY | Laurence Hirsh | County Legislature |
11/08/2016 | NY | Scott Hutchins | State Assembly |
11/08/2016 | NY | Joseph Levy | State Senate |
11/08/2016 | NY | Carl Lundgren | State Senate |
11/08/2016 | NY | Joseph Naham | State Assembly |
11/08/2016 | NY | Jeffery Peress | State Assembly |
11/08/2016 | NY | Daniel Vila Rivera | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | NY | Steve Ruzbacki | State Senate |
11/08/2016 | NY | Julia Willebrand | State Senate |
11/08/2016 | NY | Robin Laverne Wilson | U.S. Senate |
11/08/2016 | NY | Daniel Zuger | State Assembly |
11/08/2016 | NY | Anthony Baney | State Assembly |
11/08/2016 | NY | Ruben Cartagena Jr. | State Senate |
11/08/2016 | NY | Orion Barber | College Board of Trustees |
11/08/2016 | OH | Joseph DeMare | U.S. Senate |
11/08/2016 | OH | Bob Fitrakis | County Prosecutor |
11/08/2016 | OH | Constance Gadell-Newton | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | OH | Joe Manchik | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | OH | Derrick James Hendricks | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | OR | Michael Beilstein | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | OR | Josiah Dean | City Council |
11/08/2016 | OR | Tim Dehne | County Commission |
11/08/2016 | OR | Eric Navickas | U.S. Senate |
11/08/2016 | OR | Alex Polikoff | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | OR | Joe Rowe | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | OR | Marvin Sandnes | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | OR | Alan Zundel | Secretary of State |
11/08/2016 | PA | Michael Bagdes-Canning | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | PA | Kristin Combs | State Treasurer |
11/08/2016 | PA | Gabe Lytle | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | PA | Jay Sweeney | State Auditor General |
11/08/2016 | PA | Jay Sweeney | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | SC | Prince Mallory | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | SC | Scott West | State Senate |
11/08/2016 | SC | Sue Edward | School Board |
11/08/2016 | SC | Michael Stewart | County School Board |
11/08/2016 | SC | Eugene Platt | Public Service District |
11/08/2016 | TX | George Altgelt | City Council |
11/08/2016 | TX | William Barr | District Judge |
11/08/2016 | TX | Paul Blair | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | Michael Cary | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | Jim Chisholm | State Supreme Court |
11/08/2016 | TX | Travis Christal | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | Joshua Darr | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | Luis Decker | Justice of the Peace |
11/08/2016 | TX | Antonio Diaz | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | James Dorsey | County Sheriff |
11/08/2016 | TX | Ashely ‘Flashed’ Gordon | County Commission |
11/08/2016 | TX | Mary Gourdoux | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | Adam Michael Greeley | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | Brian Harrison | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | Ona Marie Hendricks | County Commissioner |
11/08/2016 | TX | Diana Kendall | Justice of the Peace |
11/08/2016 | TX | Adam King Blackwell Reposa | Statewide Court of Criminal Appeals |
11/08/2016 | TX | Thomas Klevin | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | Mark Lawson | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | Arturo Lim II | County Sheriff |
11/08/2016 | TX | Kevin McCormick | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | Joseph McElligott | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | Emmett Merwin | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | Rodolfo Rivera Munoz | State Supreme Court |
11/08/2016 | TX | Hugo Noyola Jr | State Board of Education |
11/08/2016 | TX | J.C. Osborne | Sheriff |
11/08/2016 | TX | James Partsch-Galvan | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | Paul Pipkin | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | Thom Prentice | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | Scott Pusich | State Senate |
11/08/2016 | TX | Hal J. Ridley, Jr | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | Debbie Russell | County Sheriff |
11/08/2016 | TX | Martina Salinas | State Railroad Commission |
11/08/2016 | TX | Judith Sanders-Castro | Statewide Court of Criminal Appeals |
11/08/2016 | TX | Santiago ‘Santi’ Santos | County Commission |
11/08/2016 | TX | Darrel Smith Jr | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | Gary Stuard | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | Kat Swift | State House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | Vanessa Tijerina | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | H.F. ‘Rusty’ Tomlinson | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | Scott Trimble | U.S. House of Representatives |
11/08/2016 | TX | Charles Waterbury | State Supreme Court |
11/08/2016 | VA | Audrey Clement | County Board |
11/08/2016 | WV | Alan Balogh | State House of Delegates |
11/08/2016 | WV | Barbara Daniels | State House of Delegates |
11/08/2016 | WV | Rodney T. Hytonen | State House of Delegates |
11/08/2016 | WV | Charlotte Pritt | Governor |
11/08/2016 | WV | Chris Reed | State House of Delegates |
11/08/2016 | WV | Elizabeth Rhule | State House of Delegates |
11/08/2016 | WV | Michael Sharley | Attorney General |
11/08/2016 | WV | Bruce Zeno Breuninger | State Senate |
11/02/2016 | IA | Raymond Meyer | County Board of Supervisors |
10/04/2016 | AK | Della Coburn | City Council |
09/28/2016 | CA | Sylvia Arredondo | Neighborhood Council |
09/13/2016 | RI | David Fisher | City Council |
06/23/2016 | ME | David Vincent | Select Board |
06/14/2016 | ME | Danny Jackson | School Board |
06/14/2016 | ME | Lindsey Savage | Park Commission |
06/14/2016 | ME | Jonathan Morse | Select Board |
06/14/2016 | WV | Bob Henry Baber | Mayor |
06/11/2016 | CA | Ted Hope | Neighborhood Council |
06/07/2016 | CA | Pamela Elizondo | U.S. Senate |
06/07/2016 | CA | Richard Gomez | U.S. House of Representatives |
06/07/2016 | CA | Barry Hermanson | U.S. House of Representatives |
06/07/2016 | CA | Ron Kaylor | Board of Supervisors |
06/07/2016 | CA | Christine Malan | County Board of Supervisors |
06/07/2016 | CA | Phillip Murphy | Board of Supervisors |
05/21/2016 | CA | Jessica Ceballos | Neighborhood Council |
05/21/2016 | CA | Natalie Freidberg | Neighborhood Council |
05/21/2016 | CA | William Greenfield | Neighborhood Council |
05/21/2016 | CA | Marisol Sanchez | Neighborhood Council |
05/14/2016 | CA | David Rockello | Neighborhood Council |
05/10/2016 | WV | Daniel Lutz | Conservation District |
05/10/2016 | WV | John W. Farrell | Conservation District |
05/07/2016 | TX | Debbie Russell | School Board |
05/03/2016 | MA | M.K. Merelice | Town Meeting Member |
05/02/2016 | CA | Danielle Mead | Neighborhood Council |
04/21/2016 | AK | Della Coburn | Tribal Council |
04/09/2016 | CA | Max Waller | Neighborhood Council |
04/07/2016 | CA | Robyn Sumners | Neighborhood Council |
04/05/2016 | WI | David Conley | County Board of Supervisors |
04/05/2016 | WI | Rob Dz Franklin | County Board of Supervisors |
04/05/2016 | WI | Bob Gifford | County Board of Supervisors |
04/05/2016 | WI | Angelito Tenorio | County Board of Supervisors |
04/05/2016 | WI | Heidi Wegleitner | County Board of Supervisors |
04/02/2016 | CA | Amelia Anderson | Neighborhood Council |
03/29/2016 | MA | Vincent O’Connor | School Committee |
03/11/2016 | ME | Gilbert Harris | Budget Committee |
03/05/2016 | ME | Deron Whittemore | School Committee |
03/05/2016 | ME | Casey Cote | School Board |