This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.
Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed.
At least 160 Greens hold elected office as of the November 2024 elections — Greens have been elected at least 1575 times in history in the United States — and over 6800 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office. (Updated November 27, 2024)
2001 Stats
- 285 Races in 2001
- 27 States in 2001
- 65 Victories in 2001
285 Races in 2001
Election Date | State | Candidate | Office |
12/11/2001 | MO | Robert McFall | State Senate |
11/27/2001 | ME | Daniel Jenkins | Youth Advisory Council |
11/10/2001 | CA | Robert Kerekes | Town Council – Advisory |
11/06/2001 | CA | Gregory P. Allen | School Board |
11/06/2001 | CA | Medea Benjamin | Municipal Utility District |
11/06/2001 | CA | Robert Bernstein | City Council |
11/06/2001 | CA | Ron Dicks | Municipal Utility District |
11/06/2001 | CA | Dana Dillworth | City Council |
11/06/2001 | CA | Charles Douglas | School Board |
11/06/2001 | CA | Sandy Emerson | Community Council |
11/06/2001 | CA | Sarah Lindauer | School Board |
11/06/2001 | CA | James Marsh | Water District Board of Directors |
11/06/2001 | CA | Bill Meyers | School Board |
11/06/2001 | CA | George Nelson, Jr. | Community Service Area |
11/06/2001 | CA | Paul Perkovic | Community Council |
11/06/2001 | CA | Brian Lee Rencher | City Council |
11/06/2001 | CA | Jose Octavio Rivas | Board of Education |
11/06/2001 | CA | Jim Smith | School Board of Trustees |
11/06/2001 | CO | Ernest Eich IV | Town Council |
11/06/2001 | CO | Keith Langley | City Council |
11/06/2001 | CO | Mark Ruzzin | City Council |
11/06/2001 | CO | Lynn Segal | City Council |
11/06/2001 | CO | Fred Smith | City Council |
11/06/2001 | CO | Hilary White | Town Council |
11/06/2001 | CT | Allan Brison | Board of Alders |
11/06/2001 | CT | Kevin Burke | Selectman |
11/06/2001 | CT | Joyce Chen | Board of Alders |
11/06/2001 | CT | Glenn Cheney | Selectman |
11/06/2001 | CT | Bruce Crowder | Board of Alders |
11/06/2001 | CT | Jean de Smet | Selectman |
11/06/2001 | CT | Andy Derr | City Council |
11/06/2001 | CT | Cliff Glassberg | Town Council |
11/06/2001 | CT | John Halle | Board of Alders |
11/06/2001 | CT | Elizabeth Horton Sheff | City Council |
11/06/2001 | CT | John Kilburn | Constable |
11/06/2001 | CT | David Nelson | Constable |
11/06/2001 | CT | Calvin Nicholson | Board of Alders |
11/06/2001 | CT | Robert Stuller | City Council |
11/06/2001 | CT | Amy Vas Nunes | Board of Education |
11/06/2001 | CT | Cathy White | Planning and Zoning Board |
11/06/2001 | CT | Susan Ye | Board of Education |
11/06/2001 | GA | Marvin Crafter | Mayor |
11/06/2001 | ID | Jeremy Maxand | Mayor |
11/06/2001 | ID | Jason Shaw | City Council |
11/06/2001 | MA | Michael Castronova | School Committee |
11/06/2001 | MA | Steve Iskovitz | City Council |
11/06/2001 | MA | Tennis Lilly | School Committee |
11/06/2001 | MA | Bruce Menin | School Committee |
11/06/2001 | MD | Isaac Opalinsky | City Council |
11/06/2001 | ME | Sarah Brown | Town Council |
11/06/2001 | ME | Alice Knapp | Board of Selectmen |
11/06/2001 | ME | Benjamin Meiklejohn | Board of Education |
11/06/2001 | ME | Nancy Randolph | Town Council |
11/06/2001 | ME | Jane Scease | Select Board |
11/06/2001 | ME | Bill Thomas | City Council |
11/06/2001 | ME | Matt Tilley | City Council |
11/06/2001 | MI | Elizabeth Forest | City Commission |
11/06/2001 | MI | Jim Moreno | City Commission |
11/06/2001 | MI | Mike Nowak | City Council |
11/06/2001 | MN | Cam Gordon | City Council |
11/06/2001 | MN | Natalie Johnson Lee | City Council |
11/06/2001 | MN | Dan Kimmel | School Board |
11/06/2001 | MN | Lynn Levine | Park and Recreation Board |
11/06/2001 | MN | Nancy Nelson | City Council |
11/06/2001 | MN | Shane Price | City Council |
11/06/2001 | MN | Michael Sumner | Park and Recreation Board |
11/06/2001 | MN | Scott Vreeland | Park and Recreation Board |
11/06/2001 | MN | Annie Young | Park and Recreation Board |
11/06/2001 | MN | Dean Zimmermann | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NJ | David Alcantara | State Senate |
11/06/2001 | NJ | Jerry L. Coleman | Governor |
11/06/2001 | NJ | Emily Cook | Township Committee |
11/06/2001 | NJ | Robert (Gabe) Gabrielsky | General Assembly |
11/06/2001 | NJ | Jeff Gorman | Township Committee |
11/06/2001 | NJ | Ray Higbee | Freeholder |
11/06/2001 | NJ | Mary A. Snyder | Freeholder |
11/06/2001 | NY | Michael Accurso | Town Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Henry (Hank) Bardel | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Robin Barkenhagen | County Board of Supervisors |
11/06/2001 | NY | Christina Bedocs | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | Elmer Bertsch | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | John Bisgrove III | Town Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Norah Brennan | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | Karl Breyman | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | James Brown III | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | James Caldwell | County Sheriff |
11/06/2001 | NY | Bonnie Cannan | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Todd Carmody | Town Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Salvatorre Cassisi | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | Martha Clarvoe | Town Board |
11/06/2001 | NY | Keegan Cox | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | Robert Curran | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Eric Daillie | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Jennifer Daniels | Mayor |
11/06/2001 | NY | Donald J. DeBerardinis | Village Board of Trustees |
11/06/2001 | NY | Thomas M. Degan | Town Supervisor |
11/06/2001 | NY | Lorraine Donald-Vital | Mayor |
11/06/2001 | NY | Marilyn Ellie | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | Max J. Ellis | Town Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Robert Evans | Mayor |
11/06/2001 | NY | Dennis Fagen | Town Assessor |
11/06/2001 | NY | Leslie Farney | Town Supervisor |
11/06/2001 | NY | Vincent A. Ferri | Town Supervisor |
11/06/2001 | NY | Alan Fisher | Common Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Deborah George | Town Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Gregory S. George | Town Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Nancy Gilbertson | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | Barton Goft | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Howie Hawkins | Common Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Neil MacDonald Hickok | County Executive |
11/06/2001 | NY | Linda Holzbaur | Town Board |
11/06/2001 | NY | David Hursh | School Board |
11/06/2001 | NY | Janet Jamison | Common Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Robert Jereski | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Gerald Kann | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Michael G. Kasenter | Borough President |
11/06/2001 | NY | John Keenan | Town Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Robert King | Town Trustee |
11/06/2001 | NY | Loralynne Krobetzky | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Steven Krulick | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | Joseph Langone | Town Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Margaret Laupheimer | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | Chester Le Baron | Town Receiver of Taxes |
11/06/2001 | NY | Rosa Lee | Town Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Jesse Lenney | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Joshua Lieberson | Common Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Dennis Lynster | County Clerk |
11/06/2001 | NY | Carl Mahler | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Judy Tyner Malstrom | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | Ralph Manfredonia | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | Jason Martin | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Phil Martin | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | Gloria Mattera | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Christopher McGlynn | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | Kenneth R. McHale | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | Sue Mihalyi | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | David Moore | Mayor |
11/06/2001 | NY | Eric Morgan | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | Dawn Murray | Town Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Mark Naef | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | Robert Negron | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Michael Neppl | Town Supervisor |
11/06/2001 | NY | Pauolo Nunes-Ueno | Borough President |
11/06/2001 | NY | Elizabeth Pearson | Mayor |
11/06/2001 | NY | Francisco Pena | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Sharain Pereira | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Ron Ring | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Aida Rivera | Town Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Keren N. Rosner | Town Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Carol Schlauch | County Comptroller |
11/06/2001 | NY | Michael Schulze | Mayor |
11/06/2001 | NY | Dan Searles | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Craig Seeman | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Robert Sharpe | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | Michael Sheridan | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | Roger Snyder | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | Ron Stanchfield | Town Trustee |
11/06/2001 | NY | Kathleen Van Vlack | Town Supervisor |
11/06/2001 | NY | Jeffrey Van Zandt | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | Michael G. Vercolen | Mayor |
11/06/2001 | NY | Robert E. Walters | Town Clerk |
11/06/2001 | NY | Robert E. Walters | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | James Watson Jr. | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Joseph Wetmore | Town Board |
11/06/2001 | NY | Ian Wilder | Town Supervisor |
11/06/2001 | NY | Kimberly Wilder | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | Julia Willebrand | Mayor |
11/06/2001 | NY | Dorothy Williams-Pereira | Borough President |
11/06/2001 | NY | Todd Wilson | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | Jesse York | County Legislature |
11/06/2001 | NY | Lori Zett | City Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | AnneMarie Zwack | Common Council |
11/06/2001 | NY | Ben Zwirn | Town Trustee |
11/06/2001 | OH | Alan Amstutz | City Council |
11/06/2001 | OH | Paul Dumouchelle | City Council |
11/06/2001 | OH | Wes Flinn | City Council |
11/06/2001 | OH | Patricia A. Fridrich | City Council |
11/06/2001 | OH | Bob Gragson | School Board |
11/06/2001 | OH | Steve Steel | Board of Education |
11/06/2001 | OH | Cindy Dubielak Yeager | School Board |
11/06/2001 | PA | Richard A. Ash | District Attorney |
11/06/2001 | PA | Colleen C. Bogner | School District Board of Directors |
11/06/2001 | PA | Gregory E. Bones | Judge of Elections |
11/06/2001 | PA | Daniel E. Brannen, Jr. | Township Board of Supervisors |
11/06/2001 | PA | Nazeer Chaudhry | Judge of Elections |
11/06/2001 | PA | Robert Cogan | Inspector of Elections |
11/06/2001 | PA | Joseph DeRaymond | County Council |
11/06/2001 | PA | Phyllis Durnell | Inspector of Elections |
11/06/2001 | PA | Kathleen Edwards | City Auditor |
11/06/2001 | PA | Corbin Fowler | School District Board of Directors |
11/06/2001 | PA | Stephen Keppel III | Township Board of Supervisors |
11/06/2001 | PA | Curt Larson | Borough Council |
11/06/2001 | PA | Brian Laverty | Borough Council |
11/06/2001 | PA | Matthew Mann | City Council |
11/06/2001 | PA | Nick Marinelli | Township Board of Supervisors |
11/06/2001 | PA | Michael Marshall | Judge of Elections |
11/06/2001 | PA | Jerry Marshall | City Council |
11/06/2001 | PA | David Martin | Magisterial District Justice |
11/06/2001 | PA | Douglas McConatha | Mayor |
11/06/2001 | PA | Stephen Moyer | Township Board of Supervisors |
11/06/2001 | PA | Arthur R. Palumbo | Mayor |
11/06/2001 | PA | Ben Price | Auditor |
11/06/2001 | PA | Eric Prindle | Borough Council |
11/06/2001 | PA | Larry Sawdy | Judge of Elections |
11/06/2001 | PA | Aaron C. Tedjeske | Borough Council |
11/06/2001 | PA | Aaron C. Tedjeske | Borough Council |
11/06/2001 | PA | Heather Urkuski | City Auditor |
11/06/2001 | PA | Diane White | Mayor |
11/06/2001 | PA | Nancy Wykoff | County Tax Collector |
11/06/2001 | VA | Jim Lowenstern | State House of Delegates |
11/06/2001 | VA | S. Ann Robinson | Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Directors |
11/06/2001 | VA | Chris Simmons | Soil and Water Conservation District |
11/06/2001 | WA | Michael Baker | Port Commissioner |
11/06/2001 | WA | Bryn Barnard | School Board |
11/06/2001 | WA | Curt Firestone | City Council |
11/06/2001 | WA | Bob Gamble | Port Commissioner |
11/06/2001 | WA | Young Han | State House of Representatives |
11/06/2001 | WA | David Hedglin | City Council |
11/06/2001 | WA | Steve Hughes | City Council |
11/06/2001 | WA | Michael Kaill | Park and Recreation District |
11/06/2001 | WA | Tom Munsey | Park and Recreation District |
11/06/2001 | WA | Wilma Munsey | School Board |
11/06/2001 | WA | James Alfred Smith | School Board |
11/06/2001 | WA | Tim White | Cemetery District |
11/02/2001 | AR | Sarah Marsh | U.S. House of Representatives |
10/09/2001 | IA | Brian Davis | City Council |
10/02/2001 | CO | Richard Hamilton | Park and Recreation District |
09/25/2001 | NY | Chris Brodeur | Mayor |
09/25/2001 | NY | Evergreen Chou | City Council |
09/11/2001 | AZ | Ted O’Neil | City Council |
09/11/2001 | AZ | Kyrsten Sinema | City Council |
09/11/2001 | CA | Denise Robb | City Council |
09/11/2001 | MN | Fran Dassier | Park and Recreation Board |
09/11/2001 | MN | Mark Knapp | City Council |
09/11/2001 | MN | Freeman Wicklund | Board of Education |
09/11/2001 | MN | Frank Zaragoza | Board of Education |
09/11/2001 | MT | David Max | City Council |
09/11/2001 | NY | Ann Eagan | City Council |
09/11/2001 | NY | Mike Emperor | City Council |
09/11/2001 | NY | Paul Graziano | City Council |
09/11/2001 | NY | Brett Van Zandt | Mayor |
09/11/2001 | NY | Michael Welch | County Legislature |
09/11/2001 | NY | Jacquline Williams | County Legislature |
07/10/2001 | CT | John Halle | Board of Alders |
06/19/2001 | VA | D.C. Amarasinghe | U.S. House of Representatives |
06/12/2001 | ME | Alice Knapp | Board of Selectman |
06/05/2001 | CA | Nancy Pearlman | Community College Board of Trustees |
06/05/2001 | CA | Donna Warren | U.S. House of Representatives |
05/22/2001 | MA | Matt Kelly | Selectman |
05/15/2001 | MA | Sally Huntington | School Committee |
05/15/2001 | PA | Alanna K. Hartzok | U.S. House of Representatives |
05/13/2001 | OR | Tom Crimmins | Transportation District |
05/13/2001 | OR | Susan MacKenzie | Transportation District |
05/08/2001 | MN | Audrey Thayer | County Commission |
05/08/2001 | MT | David Merrill | School Board |
05/08/2001 | OH | John McGovern | City Council |
05/08/2001 | OH | Greg Richey | City Council |
05/03/2001 | MA | Peter White | Selectman |
05/03/2001 | NM | Gary Clauss | City Council |
04/10/2001 | CA | Ralph Cole | School Board |
04/10/2001 | CA | David Sanchez | City Council |
04/10/2001 | MA | Howard Hayward | Water Board of Health |
04/03/2001 | AK | Soren Wuerth | Service Area Board of Supervisors |
04/03/2001 | CO | Pete Gleichman | Town Council |
04/03/2001 | CO | Alice Rupp | City Council |
04/03/2001 | IL | Albert Weiss | Mayor |
04/03/2001 | IL | Steve Williams | Village Board of Trustees |
04/03/2001 | MA | Kate Harris | Town Meeting Member |
04/03/2001 | WI | Matt Filipiak | City Council |
04/03/2001 | WI | Todd Jarrell | Common Council |
04/03/2001 | WI | Brenda Konkel | Common Council |
04/03/2001 | WI | Robert Miranda | Social Development Commission |
04/03/2001 | WI | Scott Tice | School Board |
04/03/2001 | WI | Shwaw Vang | School Board |
04/03/2001 | WI | JoEllen Gramling | Town Clerk |
03/20/2001 | MI | Carolyn Dulai | State Senate |
03/13/2001 | OR | Stan Druben | Transportation District |
03/13/2001 | OR | Sheila McIlrath | Water District Board of Commissioners |
03/13/2001 | OR | Lisa Meylan | Water District Board of Commissioners |
03/13/2001 | OR | John Jones | Fire Protection District |
03/06/2001 | CA | Heidi Silva | School Board |
03/06/2001 | CA | Karl Warkomski | City Council |
03/06/2001 | MA | Dan Corrigan | County Commissioner |
02/27/2001 | CA | Christian Ramirez | City Council |
01/20/2001 | TX | John D. Schlidt | Watershed District Board |