Summary of Green Candidates

This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.

Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed

At least 161 Greens hold elected office as of the November 2024 elections — Greens have been elected at least 1582 times in history in the United States — and over 6900 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office. (Updated January 25, 2025)


2015 Stats

134 Races in 2015

Election DateStateCandidateOffice
11/03/2015CAElected Janette BramlettCommunity Services District
11/03/2015CAElected James Clay CarverSchool Board of Trustees
11/03/2015CAElected Jacob CoanGoverning Board Member
11/03/2015CAElected Nanette CorleyResort Improvement District
11/03/2015CAElected Sean FrameGoverning Board
11/03/2015CAElected Marnie GlickmanGoverning Board Member
11/03/2015CAElected Renee GoddardTown Council
11/03/2015CA Francisco HerreraMayor
11/03/2015CAElected Valery LarsonRecreation and Park District
11/03/2015CAElected Avito MirandaGoverning Board Member
11/03/2015CA Susan OpalachCommunity Services District
11/03/2015CAElected Deborah RogersFire District
11/03/2015CAElected Chris SkyhawkFire District
11/03/2015CA Diane VerwoestResort Improvement District
11/03/2015COElected Becky ElderManitou Springs City Council
11/03/2015CO Cliffton WillmengCity Council
11/03/2015CTElected John AmariliosConstable
11/03/2015CT Billy Gene CollinsSelectman
11/03/2015CT Tim HanserCity Council
11/03/2015CT Ben HoldenSelectman
11/03/2015CT Deb Roselli KellyRepresentative Town Meeting
11/03/2015CTElected Joshua Steele KellyZoning Board of Appeals Alternate
11/03/2015CT Kevin KellyBoard of Education
11/03/2015CTElected Hector LopezConstable
11/03/2015CTElected Mirna MartinezBoard of Education
11/03/2015CT Rolf MaurerBoard of Education
11/03/2015CT Jason MorrisBoard of Education
11/03/2015CTElected Leif SmithConstable
11/03/2015CT Ronna StullerCity Council
11/03/2015CT Baird Welch-CollinsRepresentive Town Meeting Member
11/03/2015MA Sean ConnellSchool Committee
11/03/2015MA Plinio DeGoesCity Council
11/03/2015MA Darlene EliasCity Council
11/03/2015ME Dave FosterCity Council
11/03/2015ME Robert KorobkinCity Council
11/03/2015ME Thomas MacMillanMayor
11/03/2015ME Josephine OkotBoard of Public Education
11/03/2015MEElected Holly SeeligerBoard of Education
11/03/2015ME Michael WakefieldState House of Representatives
11/03/2015MEElected Megan ParksSchool Committee
11/03/2015ME Paul OkotSchool Board
11/03/2015MN Trahern CrewsCity Council
11/03/2015MN Kristin OsbakkenCity Council
11/03/2015MN Andy SchulerCity Council
11/03/2015MN Rashad TurnerBoard of Education
11/03/2015NJ James BraccianteGeneral Assembly
11/03/2015NJ Kenneth CollinsGeneral Assembly
11/03/2015NJ JoAnn CousinGeneral Assembly
11/03/2015NJ Amanda DavisGeneral Assembly
11/03/2015NJ Molly O’BrienGeneral Assembly
11/03/2015NJ Rich SiegelFreeholder
11/03/2015NJ Steven WelzerGeneral Assembly
11/03/2015NY Jesse AshleyCity Council
11/03/2015NY Fred BalzacTown Council
11/03/2015NY Anthony BaneyCounty Legislature
11/03/2015NY Rajesh BarnabasCounty Executive
11/03/2015NY Elmer BertschCounty Legislature
11/03/2015NY Raymond BlackwellBoard of Education
11/03/2015NY Alexander BrownsteinCounty Legislature
11/03/2015NY Frank CeteraCity Council
11/03/2015NY Lance DennoCity Council
11/03/2015NY Hunter DownieCounty Executive
11/03/2015NY Caleb DuncanBoard of Education
11/03/2015NY Anthony GiordanoCity Council
11/03/2015NY Howie HawkinsCity Auditor
11/03/2015NY Laurence HirshCounty Legislature
11/03/2015NY Kenneth HollenbeckCommon Council
11/03/2015NY Eric JonesCounty Executive
11/03/2015NY Loralynne KrobetzkyCity Council
11/03/2015NY Cassandra LemsCounty Legislature
11/03/2015NY Richard MarraCounty Legislature
11/03/2015NY Joseph NahamCity Council
11/03/2015NY Dorothy PaigeCity Council
11/03/2015NY Joseph PhillipsCounty Legislature
11/03/2015NY Daniel PlaatCounty Executive
11/03/2015NY Darrin RobbinsMayor
11/03/2015NY Pauline SalottiTown Council
11/03/2015NY Laura SikkemaTown Council
11/03/2015NY Charles TarrCommon Council
11/03/2015NY Collin ThomasCity Council
11/03/2015NY Michael WelchMayor
11/03/2015NYElected Daniel WelshTown Board
11/03/2015NY Alex WhiteCity Council
11/03/2015OH Elaine MastromatteoTownship Board of Trustees
11/03/2015OH Dennis SpisakBoard of Education
11/03/2015OH Jim VillaniTownship Board of Trustees
11/03/2015PA Michael Bagdes-CanningCounty Board of Commissioners
11/03/2015PA Kristin CombsCity Council
11/03/2015PA Jon JonesCounty Board of Commissioners
11/03/2015PA Lucille Prater-HollidayMagisterial District Judge
11/03/2015PAElected Jay SweeneyCity Auditor
11/03/2015PA David KennedyTownship Auditor
11/03/2015PAElected Michael Bagdes-CanningBorough Council
11/03/2015VA Audrey ClementCounty Board
11/03/2015VAElected Giannina FrantzSoil and Water Conservation District
11/03/2015VAElected Wendy Hageman SmithSchool Board
11/03/2015VAElected Ira RichardsSoil and Water Conservation District
11/03/2015VA Jeff StaplesHouse of Delegates
09/08/2015IAElected Tom YatesSchool Board
08/25/2015CAElected Jeffrey WhitehouseWater Board
06/09/2015MEElected Samuel PfeifleSchool Board
06/09/2015ME Jonathan MorseSelect Board
06/08/2015MEElected Patricia JacksonSchool Board
05/19/2015ORElected Michael SonnleitnerCommunity College Board of Directors
05/11/2015MA David SpanagelTown Moderator
05/09/2015TX Antonio DiazCity Council
05/06/2015MAElected Bryan MossTown Meeting Member
05/05/2015MA M.K. MereliceSelect Board
05/05/2015NY James LaneU.S. House of Representatives
05/05/2015NY Jason WestMayor
05/02/2015MA Cedric FlowerHousing Authority
04/30/2015CAElected Gabriel SanchezCollege Board of Trustees
04/25/2015TXElected George AltgeltCity Council
04/07/2015CAElected Vahe PeroomianCollege Board of Trustees
04/07/2015ILElected Steve AleschPark and Recreation District
04/07/2015IL David BlackCollege Board of Trustees
04/07/2015IL Andrew EngelbrechtMayor
04/07/2015ILElected Adrian FrostLibrary Board of Trustees
04/07/2015IL Christopher RussellVillage Board of Trustees
04/07/2015ILElected Peter SchwartzmanCity Council
04/07/2015IL Scott SummersCollege Board of Trustees
04/07/2015MO Elston McCowanBoard of Aldermen
04/07/2015WIElected Samba BaldehCommon Council
04/07/2015WI Michael ChildersCommon Council
04/07/2015WIElected Rebecca KembleCommon Council
04/07/2015WIElected Marsha RummelCommon Council
04/07/2015WIElected Steve ArnoldMayor
03/31/2015MAElected Vincent O’ConnorTown Meeting Member
03/10/2015ME Ron HuberState House of Representatives
03/07/2015MEElected Casey CoteSchool Board
03/03/2015CAElected Michael BrennanPlanning Group
03/03/2015MEElected Adam HarkinsSchool Committee
02/10/2015FL Didier OrtizCity Commission
01/06/2015TX Paul IngmundsonState House of Representatives