Derek Iversen Runs for Neighborhood Council, 2019

Election Date: 05/16/2019

Election Results

Elected Elected

Place: 1 (1 running for 2 seats)
8 votes (100 %)
General election (Non-Partisan, Multi-Seat, Advisory) - (Certified results)

In Office - Starting Date: 05/16/2019
How Entered Office: elected
In Office - Ending Date: 08/14/2019
How Left Office: movedoutofdistrict
How Entered Office: notinoffice

Location: Los Angeles , CA
District: Resident District 5, Greater Valley Glen Neighborhood Council
Office term length: 2 years

Non-Partisan Race

Ran Unopposed
Incumbent Candidate

Endorsed by local party

Campaign Links

Smart Voter / Voters Edge Page:
Vote USA:
Link to Local/County/State Party Endorsement:
Link to Primary Election Results:
General Election Ballot Qualification Details:


Candidate statement: I've lived in Valley Glen for ten years, and I'm proud to call this LA district my home. We are privileged to love in a wonderfully diverse, largely residential corner of this major metropolis. In my two years as an appointed member of the Greater Valley Glen Council, I have endeavored to represent your interests to our elected officials, and to protect the natural beauty and neighborly charm we cherish here. I am here to serve YOU and to enhance Greater Valley Glen for you and for generations to come. With me on the council, you will always have my ear and a seat at the table. I hope I can count on your vote. Thank you. (